Memo for creating a text formatting tool

A memo for making useful tools with just a bit of Python. Python is easy and nice. Assuming editing of NC program.

--Read all the contents of the file and throw it into the list

def readAll(fileName):
    with open(fileName, "r") as f
        ls ="\n")
        return ls
#	f = open(fileName, "r")
#	ls ="\n")
#	f.close()
	return ls

--Delete comments (characters in parentheses) with regular expressions

# 'O1000(SAMPLE)'
# → 'O1000'

import re

cmtptn = re.compile(r"\(.*?\)")
def removeComment(str):
	return cmtptn.sub("", str)

――Perspective with regular expressions

# 'G01X50.Y-50.Z-10.F500'
# → ['G01', 'X50.', 'Y-50.', 'Z-10.', 'F500']
ptr = re.compile(r"([A-Z#][^A-Z]+)")
def parse(str):
	p = ptr.findall(str)
	# print p
	return p

--Read the contents of the file received as an argument

import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
	prm = sys.argv
	f1 = readAll(prm[1])

	for line in f1:
		print line
		# line = removeComment(line)
		# p = parse(line)

--Write to file

#It seems easier to redirect the printed one
# open/Use with to write (see readAll)
f = open(fname, "w")


# coding: UTF-8

gcode = {
	"G00": u"Positioning"
	, "G01": u"Linear interpolation"

#When printing
print str(gcode).decode("unicode-escape")

--Only those that are included in the dictionary are parsed.

filtered = filter( lambda cd:gcode.has_key(cd) , parsed)

--Get display name from dictionary

dsp = map( lambda cd:gcode[cd], filtered)
print str(dsp).decode("unicode-escape")

--Meeting judgment

#It is delicate whether the judgment conditions are met
wptn = re.compile(r"M\d{3,}P\d{2,}")
def isWaitCode(str):
	return wptn.match(str)

--Standard output without line breaks

def sysout(v):

#new line
def newline():

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