Try the following block diagram calculation with Reactive Extensions (the calculation itself has no meaning).
This time I will try it with Python. First, install the Python version of Reactive Extensions.
pip install Rx
Describe the block diagram placement module and wiring in JSON.
"modules": [
{"name":"add1", "module_type":"add", "inputs":["sin1", "const1"]},
{"name":"add2", "module_type":"add", "inputs":["mul1", "div1"]},
{"name":"mul1", "module_type":"mul", "inputs":["sub1", "add1"]},
{"name":"sub1", "module_type":"sub", "inputs":["sin1", "cos1"]},
{"name":"div1", "module_type":"div", "inputs":["cos1", "const2"]},
{"name":"sin1", "module_type":"sin", "inputs":["const1"]},
{"name":"cos1", "module_type":"cos", "inputs":["add1"]},
{"name":"out1", "module_type":"out", "inputs":["add2"]},
{"name":"const1", "module_type":"const", "value":1.0},
{"name":"const2", "module_type":"const", "value":2.0}
Module creation, module wiring, constant value setting, and calculation result display are all performed.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from rx.subjects import Subject
import json, operator, math
if __name__ == '__main__':
#JSON reading
with open('test.json') as f:
j = json.load(f)
#Module creation
modules = { m['name']:Subject() for m in j['modules'] }
#Module wiring
for m in filter(lambda m: m['module_type'] != 'const', j['modules']):
module_type = m['module_type'];
self_name = m['name']
input_names = m['inputs']
if module_type == 'add':
modules[ input_names[0] ].zip(modules[ input_names[1] ], operator.add) \
.subscribe(modules[ self_name ].on_next)
elif module_type == 'sub':
modules[ input_names[0] ].zip(modules[ input_names[1] ], operator.sub) \
.subscribe(modules[ self_name ].on_next)
elif module_type == 'mul':
modules[ input_names[0] ].zip(modules[ input_names[1] ], operator.mul) \
.subscribe(modules[ self_name ].on_next)
elif module_type == 'div':
modules[ input_names[0] ].zip(modules[ input_names[1] ], operator.truediv) \
.subscribe(modules[ self_name ].on_next)
elif module_type == 'sin':
modules[ input_names[0] ].select(math.sin).subscribe(modules[ self_name ].on_next)
elif module_type == 'cos':
modules[ input_names[0] ].select(math.cos).subscribe(modules[ self_name ].on_next)
elif module_type == 'tan':
modules[ input_names[0] ].select(math.tan).subscribe(modules[ self_name ].on_next)
elif module_type == 'out':
modules[ input_names[0] ].subscribe(print) #Display of calculation results
#Set a constant value
for m in filter(lambda m: m['module_type'] == 'const', j['modules']):
self_name = m['name']
value = m['value']
modules[ self_name ].on_next(value)
ReactiveExtensions I will explain the class and extension method used this time.
Subject Subject is a class that has both Observer (observer) and Observable (observer). Use name as a key to make it Dictionary for later use in wiring.
#Module creation
modules = { m['name']:Subject() for m in j['modules'] }
Select Unary operations receive (subscribe) the calculated value of select and send it to the next module (on_next).
modules[ input_names[0] ].select(math.sin).subscribe(modules[ self_name ].on_next)
Zip Binary operation receives (subscribes) the calculated value after the two input values are aligned and sends it to the next module (on_next).
modules[ input_names[0] ].zip(modules[ input_names[1] ], operator.add) \
.subscribe(modules[ self_name ].on_next)
I will check it just in case.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math
if __name__ == '__main__':
sin1 = math.sin(1.0)
add1 = sin1+1.0
cos1 = math.cos(add1)
sub1 = sin1-cos1
mul1 = sub1*add1
div1 = cos1/2.0
add2 = mul1+div1
out = add2
I did it