I will write a deployment procedure using AWS, which is difficult for beginners
AWS has a lot of UI changes, so I am writing in the current one (2019/10), (AWS has a UI that changes frequently, so it may look a little different depending on the version ...)
Contents this time [** STEP1 Network environment settings **](https://qiita.com/tksh8/items/9a8e88a777a3a4ee7a09#step1-%E3%83%8D%E3%83%83%E3%83%88%E3%83% AF% E3% 83% BC% E3% 82% AF% E7% 92% B0% E5% A2% 83% E8% A8% AD% E5% AE% 9A)
[** STEP2 EC2 settings **] (https://qiita.com/tksh8/items/9a8e88a777a3a4ee7a09#step2-ec2%E3%81%AE%E8%A8%AD%E5%AE%9A)
Next time content [** STEP3 or later Steps to deploy on AWS ② Server (EC2 instance) environment settings **] (https://qiita.com/tksh8/items/3d2f2eeaf0e8de291b6d)
https://aws.amazon.com/ Sign in with Amazon Web Services
Set the region in the header to Tokyo and Search for "VPC" and go to "VPC"
Click [Create VPC] from VPC in the side menu.
Because it will be a creation screen This time, set as below and click [Create].
・ Name tag:testVPC
-IPv4 CIDR block:
-IPv4 CIDR block:No block
・ Tenancy:Default
This subnet is configured to create two subnets for placing [RDS].
Click [Create Subnet] from the subnet in the side menu.
Because it will be a creation screen Set as below and press [Create]
・ Name tag:testSubnet
・ VPC:Select the one you created earlier
・ Availability zone:ap-northeast-1a
・ CIDR block:
Create another one in the same way
・ Name tag:testSubnet2
・ VPC:Select the one you created earlier
・ Availability zone:ap-northeast-1c
・ CIDR block:
From the internet gateway on the side menu Click [Create Internet Gateway]
Because it will be a creation screen Set as below and press [Create]
Name tag:testGateway
Press [Action], and then press [Attach to VPC].
Set as below and press [Attach]
VPC:Select the one you created earlier
Press [Create Route Table] from the route table in the side menu.
Because it will be a creation screen Set as below and press [Create]
Name tag:testTable
VPC:Select the one you created earlier
With the created route table selected Click the tabs "Route"> "Edit Route" below, and press [Add Route].
Set as below and press [Save Rule]
target:Select Internet Gateway and select the gateway ID you created earlier
→ Select "Subnet" on the left
→ Select the subnet whose association you want to change
→ Select the route table at the bottom of the screen
→[Editing route table associations]Press
→ Select the route table ID created earlier
Side menu
From Security> Security Group> Click [Create Security Group]
Set as below and press [Create]
Security group name:testSecurityGroup
VPC:Select the one you created earlier
Click [Edit Rule] of the inbound rule at the bottom of the screen, and then click [Add Rule]. Set as below and press [Save Rule]
Source:My IP
If you want to use DB on AWS
-Create an instance on EC2
・ Use RDS
* However, if you use RDS, you will be charged, so
If you do not use it, create the database directly on the server.
There are two types of methods. This time Create an instance on EC2 (create a database directly on the server) I will mainly do
If the instance remains up You will be charged, so if you do not use it It is recommended to put it in a stopped state
Click here this time
Network: Select the VPC you just created
Subnet: Select the subnet you just created
Auto-assign public IP: Enabled
Others remain default
Click [Add Tag]
Key: Name
Value: testInstance
Click [Next Step: Security Group Settings]
Security Group Assignment: Existing
Select it, select the security group you just created,
Click [Confirm and Create]
Since it will be a list screen Finally, click [Start]
It will be displayed as below
Choose to create a new key pair,
Enter the key pair name and
Click [Download Key Pair]
(Note that once the file is created, it cannot be downloaded again.)
After downloading, click [Create Instance]
An instance will be created after a while !!
Side menu Network & Security> Press Elastic IP [Assign New Address]
Click [Assign]
Return with [Close]
Click [Action]> Address Association
Select the instance you created earlier and press [Associate].
There is no charge as long as the instance to which the Elastic IP is attached (associates) is running. However, if your instance is "down" or you are not using Elastic IP, you will be charged. Therefore, you should delete the Elastic IPs that you do not use.
If the Elastic IP is still attached to your instance, select it from the Elastic IPs and click Actions → Disassociate Address. A confirmation screen will be displayed. If there is no mistake, click "Disassociate Address" and detach the EIP.
After that, select the relevant IP again and click "Action"-> "Release Address" to delete the EIP. Now you will not be charged.
The setting on the AWS side is completed once
Open a terminal on your PC
$ brew install python
pip (python package management system)
$ easy_install pip
awscli (for handling aws from the console of the PC)
$ pip install awscli
Click here if you can't https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ja_jp/cli/latest/userguide/install-macos.html
On AWS As a user who can log in to your EC2 instance A user named ec2-user is provided by default Here, first log in as ec2-user
I will put the following in the terminal (* TestKey.pem is the key downloaded in STEP2 earlier)
$ mv Downloads/testKey.pem .ssh/
(#Move the created public key to the ssh folder)
$ cd .ssh/
(#Move directory to ssh)
$ chmod 600 testKey.pem
(#Grant the access right defined by No. 600 to the public key)
$ ssh -i testKey.pem ec2-user@(@For the following URLs, use the Elastic IP associated with the created EC2 instance.)
(#Ec2 using public key-Login as user)
($ ssh -i testKey.pem [email protected])
I'm asked yes / no
Press Enter with yes
You have successfully logged in! !! !!
ssh port 22 Operation timed out
Click here if an error occurs
While logged in to the instance as described above
[ec2-user|~]$ sudo adduser testuser
(#Register new user name)
[ec2-user|~]$ sudo passwd testuser
(#Password registration for new user name)
Register password
Write to add permissions to users with vim
$ sudo visudo
Go to vim mode
## Allows people in group wheel to run all commands
# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
## Same thing without a password
## Allows members of the users group to mount and unmount the
## cdrom as root
# %users ALL=/sbin/mount /mnt/cdrom, /sbin/umount /mnt/cdrom
## Allows members of the users group to shutdown this system
# %users localhost=/sbin/shutdown -h now
In search mode below Look for "wheel" (Enter "/ wheel" on the keyboard and press it, then press "N" to go next)
## Same thing without a password
Press "i" on the keyboard to enter edit mode
## Same thing without a password
Next, the description to add authority to the created user as shown below
testuser ALL=(ALL) ALL
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
testuser ALL=(ALL) ALL
Press "esc" on the keyboard Type ": wq" and press Enter to save
Please switch users here.
[ec2-user|~]$ sudo su - testuser
(#Switch user name)
[testuser@ ~]
It's OK if [ec2-user | switches to testuser (created user name) safely.
Twice Log out once with
This is a local work
$ cd .ssh
[.ssh]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
(#Create public key)
Enter file in which to save the key ():
(#Enter the name of the file here and press enter)
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
(#Enter as it is without doing anything)
Enter same passphrase again:
(#Enter as it is without doing anything)
[.ssh]$ ls
#「test_key_rsa "and" test_key_rsa.Confirm that "pub" has been generated
[.ssh]$ vi config
(#Start VIM and edit the configuration file)
Press "i" on the keyboard to enter edit mode
#Add the following
Host test_key_rsa
Hostname Elastic IP mentioned above(#According to your settings)
Port 22
User testuser (#Username)
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/test_key_rsa (#Private key setting)
*Delete the () part.
Press "esc" on the keyboard
「:Save with "wq"
[.ssh]$ cat test_key_rsa.pub (#Output the contents of the key on the terminal)
★ ssh-rsa~~~~Copy up to local
Next is the work on the server Log in as ec2-user
$ cd .ssh
$ ssh -i testKey.pem ec2-user@(@For the following URLs, use the Elastic IP associated with the created EC2 instance.)
[ec2-user|~]$ sudo su - testuser
[testuser@ ~]$ mkdir .ssh
[testuser@ ~]$ chmod 700 .ssh
[testuser@ ~]$ cd .ssh
[testuser@ |.ssh~]$ vi authorized_keys
(Since vim opens, press "i" and
I just copied the ssh with ★-paste rsa)
Press "esc" on the keyboard
「:Save with "wq"
[testuser@ |.ssh~]$ chmod 600 authorized_keys
$ exit
once again
$ exit
Log out
[~]$ ssh test_key_rsa
If you can log in, the user settings are completed.
In addition, you may not be able to log in locally over time, so in that case,
Security group>Inbound>In editing
With SSH source
Select My IP[Save]Then you will be able to connect
Click here for more [** Procedure to deploy on AWS (2) Server (EC2 instance) environment settings **] (https://qiita.com/tksh8/items/3d2f2eeaf0e8de291b6d)
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