[Java] Environment construction procedure for developing struts 1.3 with Eclipse

The site will change from April 2020, but since the project there is Struts 1.3 (not 2.x: innocent :), I have summarized the procedure for building the environment for studying.

In the world, Spring boot is the mainstream when it comes to Java, but Struts is still active. It may help you, unlucky, who have drifted into a legacy environment, or rather you who are looking for such a site.


--The PC used is Windows --Java 1.5 or higher is already installed (either Oracle JDK or Open JDK can be used, so please install it.) --Git for Windows installed

Advance preparation

Install tomcat


Download Tomcat from below. (* As of March 2020, the latest stable version is 9.0.33) http://tomcat.apache.org

Unzip to any folder

Unzip the downloaded file. This time, I placed it below. C:\public\tool\apache-tomcat-9.0.33

■ Folder structure (first level only)


maven installation


Download maven from below. (* As of March 2020, the latest stable version is 3.6.3)

Maven – Download Apache Maven https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi

Select "apache-maven-3.6.3-bin.zip".

Unzip to any folder

Unzip the downloaded file. This time, I placed it below. C:\public\tool\apache-maven-3.6.3

■ Folder structure (first level only)



This time we will use Git Bash for the terminal, so set PATH to Git Bash.

# System-wide bashrc file
### add start
if [ -f ~/.bashrc_profile ]; then
. ~/.bashrc_profile
### add end
export PATH=$PATH:/c/public/tool/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin 

Eclipse installation


Please download Eclipse from the following. https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

Subclipse installation

Install the following from the Eclipse Marketplace


Creating a project

Install struts-archetype-blank

Check out struts-archetype-blank

File → New → Other → Check out project from SVN image.png

Generate new repository location image.png

Repository: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/struts/maven/trunk/struts-archetype-blank


Install with mvn

cd C:\Users\msg_h\git\struts-sample\struts-archetype-blank
mvn install

Create a new project

Create a new project.

--File-> New-> Java image.png

Addition of archetype image.png

Enter the following.

item value
Archetype Group ID org.apache.struts
Archetype Artifact ID struts-archetype-blank
Archetype version 1.3.5-SNAPSHOT
Repository url http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/struts/maven/trunk/struts-archetype-blank/


Select the added "struts-archetype-blank".


Enter the following.

item value
Group ID my.struts
Artifact ID struts13-app
version 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
package my.struts.struts13_app (Autofill)


You have now created a base.

git repository

The source created this time is committed to the following repository. Other sources may also be mixed. .. .. https://github.com/hrk-okd/struts13-app


I used it as a reference below. https://qiita.com/morozumi_h/items/e36faee2c2bebb2fb15d

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