About ruby block


I think many people know that they use do end somehow, I think that many people didn't understand it because the hurdles would rise a little when proc came out. Therefore, along with reorganizing my knowledge, I have compiled it so that many people can understand ruby's grammar firmly and code efficiently.

What is a block

--Ruby allows you to pass a series of procedures to a method --block is described by do end or{} -The argument is|x|like|Write it in the same way as a normal method

[*1..3].each do |i|
  p i
# => 1
# => 2
# => 3

3.times { |i| p i }
# => 0
# => 1
# => 2

How to create a method that uses block

--Use ** yield to execute block ** or ** Use & block (see below) ** --If you are using a formal argument for block, you can use it by passing an argument to yield. --Yield can be used many times --yield will result in an error if used if no block is passed

def three_times
  3.times { yield }
three_times { p 'a' }
# => "a"
# => "a"
# => "a"

def three_times
  3.times { |j| yield(j) }
three_times { |i| p i }
# => 0
# => 1
# => 2

def calculate
  p yield(1, 2)
  p yield(2, 3)

calculate { |a, b| a + b }
# => 3
# => 5
calculate { |a, b| a * b }
# => 2
# => 6

def three_times(&block)
  3.times { yield } rescue p $!
# => #<LocalJumpError: no block given (yield)>

Determine if block was passed

--Use block_given?

def three_times
  p block_given?

# => false
three_times { p 'y' }
# => true

I want to treat a block as an instance

--block can be converted to and from Proc object by using & --You can pass it as a block by doing & proc_object as a method argument. --By using & block as the formal argument of the method, ** the block can be received as a Proc object ** --If you receive a plain block without using & as an argument, it will be proc instead of lambda (the difference between proc and lambda will be described later). --If you pass lambda as an argument with &, it will be received as lambda

proc_object = Proc.new do |a|
  p a
# => 0
# => 1
# => 2

def three_times(&block)
  3.times { |j| block.call(j) }
three_times { |i| i }
# => 0
# => 1
# => 2

proc and lambda

--Proc objects have Proc andProc (lambda)(referred to as proc and lambda respectively). --Both are Proc classes -proc isProc.new { |x| }Orproc { |x| }Write -lambda islambda { |x| }Or->(x) { }Write

p Proc.new {}
# => #<Proc:0x00007f3e59459978@/tmp/nvimaASrm8/2:1>
p Proc.new {}.instance_of?(Proc)
# => true
p lambda {}
# => #<Proc:0x00007f3e59459838@/tmp/nvimaASrm8/2:2 (lambda)>
p lambda {}.instance_of?(Proc)
# => true

Difference between proc and lambda

Handling of arguments

--When the argument is extra --proc: Through --lambda: error --If there are not enough arguments --proc: becomes nil --lambda: error

x = proc { |a, b| p [a,b] }
x.call(:a, :b, :c)
# => [:a, :b]

x = lambda { |a, b| p [a,b] }
x.call(:a, :b, :c) rescue p $!
# => #<ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 2)>

x = proc { |a, b| p [a,b] }
# => [:a, nil]

x = lambda { |a, b| p [a,b] }
x.call(:a) rescue p $!
# => #<ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)>

break, return behavior

--When executed in the method that defines Proc

** If you want to return the result of the procedure, use next in both lambda and proc! **

def hoge
  x = proc { return 2 }.call
  p "x: #{x}"
  return 1
p "method: #{hoge}"
# => "method: 2"

def hoge
  x = lambda { return 2 }.call
  p "x: #{x}"
  return 1
p "method: #{hoge}"
# => "x: 2"
# => "method: 1"

def hoge
  x = proc { break 2 }.call
  p "x: #{x}"
  return 1
p "method: #{hoge}" rescue p $!
# => #<LocalJumpError: break from proc-closure>

def hoge
  x = lambda { break 2 }.call
  p "x: #{x}"
  return 1
p "method: #{hoge}"
# => "x: 2"
# => "method: 1"

def hoge(x)
  p "x: #{x.call}"
  return 1
x = proc { break 2 }
p "method: #{hoge(x)}" rescue p $!
# => #<LocalJumpError: break from proc-closure>

x = lambda { break 2 }
p "method: #{hoge(x)}"
# => "x: 2"
# => "method: 1"

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