Linux Network Namespace


I thought I would write it for the output of knowledge. One of the elements that make up container-type virtualization technology such as Docker is Network Namespace You can create a virtual computer that is network-independent of the system simply by requiring command line operations.

Start Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Enter the following command in the terminal. This is a command to install the packages needed for subsequent work. This will allow you to install the required packages.


$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y install

What is TCP / IP?

TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) IP(Internet Protocol)

The name of the protocol you use on a daily basis.

―― "The shipping company delivers the customer's luggage to the destination" -"Shipping company => Flow of reaching customers"

In the computer world as in the real world There is a mechanism to ensure that the package (data) arrives properly by the time it is delivered.

What is an IP address?

With a protocol called the Internet Protocol A type of identifier needed to communicate, like an address on the Internet

What is a network interface?

LAN cable, network interface card (NIC) or wireless LAN adapter Represents. However, it is an abstract concept when dealing with them from software.

What is IPv4 / IPV6?

IPv4 / 6 (Internet Protocol version 4 / 6 )

The world we are in now. __2 There are now two internets completely separate __ Since IPv4 / IPv6 are used as protocols, they are not compatible.

--IPv4 address for IPv4
--For IPv6, you need to use an IPv6 address

IPv4 is 32bit (4bite), while IPv6 is 128bit (16byte) As the number of new ones that can be used is decreasing with the spread, migration to IPv6 is being attempted.


Has an IP address and is connected to the network Computers that are not routers are called hosts

Connected to an indistinguishable network such as a host or router The name of the computer is Node


$ ip address show


$ ip address show
1:  lo:<LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu XXXXX qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen XXXX
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet 000.X.X.X/X scope host lo 
        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 
    inet6 ::X/XXX scope host
        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2:  eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu XXXX qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen XXXX 
    link/ether XX:XX:Xx:XX:XX:XX brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 
    inet 00.X.X.XX/XX brd XX.X.X.XXX scope global dynamic eth0 
        valid_lft XXXXXsec preferred_lft XXXXXsec 
    inet6 xxXX::XXX:Xxxx:xxXX:XXXX/XX scope link 
        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

The part after the display of inet is the IP address of the computer. lo and eth0 are network interfaces eth0 is the IP address corresponding to the sender

IP addresses are given to network interfaces as needed, that is

--The network interface lo has the IP address 000.X.X.X --The network interface eth0 is given the IP address 00.X.X.XX.

Loopback address

The IP address 000.X.X.X of lo is a special address called loopback address. Represents your own address Convenient to use when you want to communicate only with yourself, such as checking the operation

Try it ($ ping -c 3 <your loopback address>) You can see that the result is returned as if you hit the command

$ sudo tcpdump


$ sudo tcpdump -tn -I any icmp
Tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
Listening on any,  link-type LINUX_SLL (Linix cooked), capture size XXXXXX bytes

IP XX.X.X.XX > : ICMP echo request, id XXXX, seq 1, lenght 64
IP > XX.X.X.XX : ICMP echo reply, id XXXX, seq 1, lenght 64
IP XX.X.X.XX > : ICMP echo request, id XXXX, seq 2, lenght 64
IP > XX.X.X.XX : ICMP echo reply, id XXXX, seq 2, lenght 64
IP XX.X.X.XX > : ICMP echo request, id XXXX, seq 3, lenght 64
IP > XX.X.X.XX : ICMP echo reply, id XXXX, seq 3, lenght 64

A command that allows you to peep into the communication flowing through your computer __ Packet capture __, __ Sniffing __ After typing $ ping, if you look at the terminal on the $ sudo tcpdump side You can see that there were 3 exchanges request reply

$ traceroute


$ traceroute -n
Trace route to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1  XX.X.X.X 0.568ms  0.562ms  1.044ms
2  XXX.XX.X.X 4.495ms  4.499ms  4.703ms
3  XX.X.X.XX 11.304ms 11.319ms 11.305ms
4  XX.X.X.XX  12.111ms 11.811ms  12.097ms

A command to check the route that a packet takes to reach its destination The route to pass is the Route to pass. This command is often used to troubleshoot networks

Route Network equipment The IP address displayed on each line is the packet passed IP address of the router

There are many routers on the Internet to send packets You can see that it is made up of bucket relays

What is a routing table?

In the TCP / IP world, the next party to which a packet should be passed is managed by the concept of routing table. You can check the routing table with a command

$ ip route show


$ ip route show 
Default via XX.X.X.X dev eth0 proto dhcp src XX.X.X.XX metric XXX
XX.X.X.X/XX dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src XX.X.X.XX
XX.X.X.X dev eth0 proto dhcp scope link src XX.X.X.XX metric XXX

First, the routing table consists of multiple routing entries Each row is a routing entry The destination IP address is written at the beginning of each routing entry Destination default is a special destination and is used when none of the others correspond to the destination

XX.X.X.X / XX on the 3rd line is a representation method that summarizes multiple IP addresses In this way, the routing table uses the destination IP address. Not necessarily written one by one

$ ping


$ ping -c 3
PING ( 56 (84) bytesofdata.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=9.06 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=8.88 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=10.3 ms pingstatistics
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2004ms 
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 8.883/9.445/10.386/0.678ms

Used to check __communication __ on the TPC / IP network. I have sent three messages requesting a response with the option -c 3. Therefore, three replies will be returned.

”3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0%” You can see that the response to the request you made has arrived safely.

Network Namespace of the main subject

Network Namespace is one of the elements that make up container-type virtualization technologies such as Docker.


$ sudo ip netns add helloworld

$ ip netns list
hello world

$ ip netns add

You can create a new Namespace

$ ip netns list

Can be confirmed like ls

$ sudo ip netns exec [Namaspace name]

Can be executed with this command


$ sudo ip netns add ns1
$ sudo ip netns add ns2

I knew how to make it, so I made two You have now created a network of ns1 and ns2, but they are still independent of each other. To connect the two, a virtual "veth" (Virtual Ethernet Device) Use the network interface, use the $ ip link add subcommand to create a veth


$ sudo ip link add ns1-veth0 type peer name ns2-veth0

$ip link add

Network interface creation command

This created the veth network interface ns1-veth0 and ns2-veth0 are the names of the network interfaces to create


$ ip link show | grep veth
3 : ns2-veth0@ns1-veth0 : <BROADCAST, MULTICAST, M-DOWN> mtu XXXX qdisc noop
state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen XXXX
4 : ns1-veth0@ns2-veth0 : <BROADCAST, MULTICAST, M-DOWN> mtu XXXX qdisc noop
state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen XXXX

Use the grep command to narrow down and check only those that contain the character string veth. In the real world, two network interfaces connected by a LAN cable have been created. However, since this is still created and belongs to the system area Make it available in Network Namespace


$ sudo ip link set ns1-veth0 netns ns1
$ sudo ip link set ns2-veth0 netns ns2

Specify netns and Namespace name after the name of the network interface you want to set


It looks like this However, at this stage, it is almost the same as connecting PCs with a cable. Communication is not possible unless settings are made like a real PC

An IP address is required when communicating using IP So you have to give the veth interface an IP address


$ sudo ip netns exec ns1 ip address add XXX.X.X.1/XX dev ns1-veth0
$ sudo ip netns exec ns2 ip address add XXX.X.X.2/XX dev ns1-veth0

$ ip address add To set the IP address $ ip address add

IP address XXX.X.X.1 for ns1-veth0 ns2-veth0 is given the IP address XXX.X.X2 In addition, there are two concepts, UP and DOWN. The initial state is DOWN, so set it to UP when using it.


$ sudo ip netns exec ns1 ip link set ns1-veth0 up
$ sudo ip netns exec ns2 ip link set ns2-veth0 up

Check if connected


$ sudo ip netns exec ns1 ping -c 3 XXX.X.X.2

It looks like this

At the end

Although it is in the same network, I understood the relationship of connecting with the veth interface for the time being. Since it will be more complicated, I will write Qiita in stages.

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