We are not responsible for any damage caused by the contents of this article. This article was written as a personal hobby and has nothing to do with the company I belong to. In addition, we do not recommend breaking corporate rules.
I checked the Terms of Service, but could not find any mention that prohibits automatic operation from the computer. (If anyone notices that you're overlooking, please let me know. I'll stop right away.)
(6) Acts that place an excessive load on this service, the content sites accessed through this service, and the networks or systems of information providers.
(13) Acts that may interfere with the operation of this service by our company
We have decided that there is no problem because it does not include the process of excessive access.
(16) Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate
Please, Money Forward, don't judge it inappropriate
Attendance stamps are made at the same time every morning, and departure stamps are made at the same time. This is a completely while statement. It's not something that people do. So I will automate it. (We are waiting for the Tsukkomi that the meaning of stamping is not good)
The code is available on Github. Not all the code is included in the article, so if you want to know more, please see the code directly. I think there is a more elegant way, so feel free to throw an Issue or PR. Please. https://github.com/Haruka0522/AutoMFKintai
Access embossed web pages from Python using Selenium ↓ Holiday / weekday judgment using datetime and jpholiday ↓ Click the button when the preset work / leave time is reached
It's simple!
id_box = self.driver.find_element_by_name("employee_session_form[office_account_name]")
mail_box = self.driver.find_element_by_name("employee_session_form[account_name_or_email]")
password_box = self.driver.find_element_by_name("employee_session_form[password]")
login_button = self.driver.find_element_by_name("commit")
After accessing the login screen, specify the input box by the name of the element and enter the login information there. The name of this element can be found in developer mode by accessing it in chrome and pressing F12. It was a breakthrough of the login screen that was expected to be difficult, but it was possible to break through easily.
If you hard-code the password etc. on the source code and upload it to Github by mistake, it will be difficult, so let's take a method such as writing the password etc. in a text file called pass.txt and reading it. If you remove pass.txt from git management with .gitignore, you don't have to worry about accidentally pushing.
actions = ActionChains(self.driver)
actions.move_by_offset(480, 250)
This is where I struggled soberly. Attempting to click by specifying the element of the stamp button did not work, and since onclick () was written, I tried to execute Javascript directly, but for some reason it did not work. Therefore, although it is not a very good method, I took the method of specifying the coordinates of the screen and clicking. Since the window size of Chrome is fixed in the initial setting, I think that it will work even if the environment changes, but honestly it is not elegant, so I would like to improve it in the future.
I don't want to accidentally stamp on Saturdays and Sundays. In my case, I basically work on weekdays, so I set it to stamp only on weekdays.
def is_holiday(date):
return date.weekday() >= 5 or jpholiday.is_holiday(date)
I used the datetime library and the jppoliday library to determine weekdays. I used datetime to make simple Saturdays and Sundays, and jppoliday to make holidays.
while True:
dt_now = datetime.datetime.now()
if is_holiday(datetime.date.today()): #Weekday judgment
if dt_now.hour == start_time.hour and dt_now.minute == start_time.minute:
elif dt_now.hour == end_time.hour and dt_now.minute == end_time.minute:
By running this on a computer that runs for 24 hours (Raspberry Pi seems to be good with power saving), it will be automatically stamped. I would like to be able to handle unique holidays in cooperation with Google Calendar etc., and I would like to have a system that does not require writing such a script in the first place. I have a feeling that I might get angry from all sides, but is that okay ...?
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