cout << "Hello, World! \ N" in python

I wrote it in Comment of this article, but I will post it because it is a big deal. This is a method to make cout <<, which is familiar in C ++, also available in python.

import sys

class ConsoleOut(object):
    def __lshift__(self, message):  # Left Shift(<<)Define operator processing
        return self

cout = ConsoleOut()

with this,

cout << "Hello, World!\n"

You will be able to write.

You can also save the above definition in a file called and use it as follows:

In the shell

$ python
Python 2.7.10 (default, Jun  1 2015, 18:05:38)
[GCC 4.9.2] on cygwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from ConsoleOut import cout
>>> cout << "Hello, World!\n"
Hello, World!

Strings are concatenate with +, iterate with *, and format format with %, but each processing method of the string (str) class is implemented so. That's right. To see what other methods are available, run help (object) or help (str) in the python interpreter.

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