LINE BOT if ~ stumbled

For the time being, write it as a memo for yourself.

Specific explanation

First, I will explain in detail what I stumbled upon.

The sample code of LINE BOT is mostly the sample code of Echolalia.

To be honest, I'm not interested in returning parrots, so I struggled to find it.

If the text sent contains the string "apple", send it back as "apple".


if "Apple" in event.message.text:

I found the sample code.

I modified this a little

If the character string of the sent text matches "apple", send it back as "apple".


if event.message.text == "Apple":

I wanted to make the code, but I stumbled here.

How did you stumble?


if event.message.text == "Apple":

When I changed the code to, for some reason nothing came back.


The cause is


    if event.message.text == "/url":
          [TextSendMessage(text="Ah ah"))]

Can you see that there is a "[" in this code?

This was bad ...

So, when I erased the "[" and tried again, it worked.


Do not put [] in the code.

Source code

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