[RUBY] Prime number enumeration in one line


Suddenly, I wrote a program to find a prime number in one line. Emphasis on code amount rather than efficiency.


If you think it's filter, it's select in the case of Range. (Ruby 2.5)

(2..99).select {|x| (2...x).select {|i| x % i == 0} == []}


You can use filter, but list comprehension is easier to write.

[x for x in range(2, 100) if [i for i in range(2, x) if x % i == 0] == []]


Haskell is stuck with beginners studying for years.

[x | x <- [2..100], [i | i <- [2..(x - 1)], mod x i == 0] == []]


When I thought that Ruby, which cannot include list comprehension, was disadvantageous, it was surprisingly the shortest I wrote.

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