Increase the UI size of MyPaint

What is MyPaint?

MyPaint is an open source painting software

There is also a Windows version

The GUI is written in Python, so it's easy to work with.


There was a place where the display was too small, so I would like to customize it.

This time I am using the Windows 64bit version of MyPaint v1.2.1, please note that it may not work properly with other versions.

If you are using the installed version, you need administrator privileges to rewrite the file. It is assumed that MyPaint is installed in C: \ Program Files \ mypaint-w64.

Use a text editor other than Notepad to edit the file. (Because the display is broken) The one that displays the line number is good.

Increase the scale display of the footer bar

Enlarge the display of this part. 2017-02-02_22h32_21.png

Open the \ mingw64 \ share \ mypaint \ gui \ file in a text editor. Since the content is a text file in XML format, change the value in line 166 to 1.0. 2017-02-02_22h45_08.png

It grew. 2017-02-02_22h52_55.png

Enlarge the brush icon in the brush window

The icon is too small to read the written characters, so make it larger. 2017-02-02_22h56_42.png

Open \ mingw64 \ share \ mypaint \ gui \ with a text editor Rewrite ʻICON_SIZE = 48` on line 65 with a large number such as 64.


It grew. Since the original image is 128x128, it seems that it can be enlarged up to 128. 2017-02-02_23h08_32.png

Enlarge the brush icon for pop-up brush selection

The brush selection pop-up window that appears when you press the 'b' key. 2017-02-02_23h19_08.png

It is separate from the brush window. Open \ mingw64 \ share \ mypaint \ gui \ and open Rewrite ʻICON_SIZE = 48 on line 68 to ʻICON_SIZE = 64. (Image omitted)

It grew. 2017-02-02_23h24_19.png

Enlarge the menu icon

Make this part bigger. 2017-02-02_23h26_06.png

Open \ mingw64 \ share \ mypaint \ gui \ and open 17th line

ICON_SIZE_LARGE = Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR   # 24x24, the docs promise

Rewrite Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR in this part to Gtk.IconSize.DND or Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG. Gtk.IconSize.DND is 32x32 and Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG is 48x48.

I tried to make it Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG. It grew. 2017-02-02_23h45_05.png

Make characters larger by changing the font

Change the font and size of the entire application. 2017-02-03_00h01_25.png

In the gtk3 app, it seems that you can specify the font of the entire app by adding gtk-font-name = MS UI Gothic 10 to the settings.ini file, but it was not reflected in MyPaint, so in the py file I decided to write it directly.

Add the following statement to line 208 of \ mingw64 \ share \ mypaint \ gui \

settings.set_property("gtk-font-name", "MS UI Gothic 16")

When you actually write it, it looks like this. 2017-02-07_20h43_25.png

Please note that the indent is a half-width space.

Change the font of MS UI Gothic to your liking. The font size is 16. The default size seems to be around 10.

It grew. 2017-02-03_00h06_23.png

at the end

At first, I started to investigate because I wanted to enlarge the scale display, but since there was no information written together, I would like to keep the results of the investigation here. Have a good My Paint life!

How to change the theme in Linux version (additional note)

Using LinuxMint 18.1 Xfce You can easily change the theme on Linux. If you start MyPaint as it is, the desktop theme will be used as it is. スクリーンショット_2017-02-16_18-52-01.png

GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark mypaint

And, when you start it from the terminal, it will start with the specified theme. It seems that this method can be done with any application that uses GTK + 3. スクリーンショット_2017-02-16_18-52-38.png

If you want to register in the launcher and use it, use the command

env GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark mypaint

It seems that you should write. スクリーンショット_2017-02-16_18-53-15.png

Reference link

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