First-principles calculations for free using Google Colaboratory

Recently, for those who cannot experiment with the new corona, "Introduction to first-principles calculation that can be done for free for physical property experimenters" In the process, I found out how to do first-principles calculations only with Google Colab, so I would like to share it here as well.

Things necessary

--Browser --Google account

Software to use

--Quantum Espresso: First Principle Calculation Software --Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE): Python library for atomic and molecular simulations

Install Quantum Espresso

In order to use Quantum Espresso with Google Colab, I need to compile Qunatum Espresso from source, but I found that it is possible in the following way. The point is to have FFTW3 installed.

!git clone
!apt-get install -y libfftw3-3 libfftw3-dev libfftw3-doc
%cd q-e
!DFLAGS='-D__OPENMP -D__FFTW3 -D__MPI -D__SCALAPACK' FFT_LIBS='-lfftw3'  ./configure --enable-openmp

I'm downloading the source, installing FFTW3, and preparing to compile. next,

!make pw

You can run pw.x, the core code of Quantum Espresso. The rest is a post-process tool, pp:

make pp

Let's also install.

Now, Build OSS with Google colaboratory As you can see in, the binaries compiled here will disappear after 12 hours. So

from google.colab import drive

Run to save the binaries to your Google Drive. The next time you use it, unzip it and use it.

%cd /content/
!zip -r /content/drive/'My Drive'/ q-e 

Save as.

Set environment variables so that you can run Quantum Espresso. In other words

import os
os.environ['PATH'] = "/content/q-e/bin:"+os.environ['PATH']

will do.

ASE installation

ASE is easy to install,

!pip install ase

Enter with.

First-principles calculation test

Now, let's actually do first-principles calculations.

Structural optimization of NaCl

Create and move the NaCl directory.

%cd /content
!mkdir NaCl
%cd NaCl

Then download the pseudopotential.


It went into the NaCl directory.


from import bulk
from ase.calculators.espresso import Espresso
from ase.constraints import UnitCellFilter
from ase.optimize import LBFGS

pseudopotentials = {'Na': 'Na.pbesol-spn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF',
                    'Cl': 'Cl.pbesol-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF'}  
rocksalt = bulk('NaCl', crystalstructure='rocksalt', a=6.0)
calc = Espresso(pseudopotentials=pseudopotentials,pseudo_dir = './',
                tstress=True, tprnfor=True, kpts=(3, 3, 3))


ucf = UnitCellFilter(rocksalt)
opt = LBFGS(ucf)

# cubic lattic constant

You can optimize the structure of NaCl by executing. In this code, the location of the pseudopotential is specified by `` `pseudo_dir```. This time it's the directory you're in now.

Cu band diagram

Next, let's calculate the Cu band diagram.

Create a Cu directory.

%cd /content
!mkdir Cu
%cd Cu

Download the pseudopotential.


Perform a self-consistent calculation to determine the electron density. Once the electron density is determined, a band diagram can be drawn by calculating at each k point.

from ase import Atoms
from import bulk
from ase.calculators.espresso import Espresso
atoms = bulk("Cu")
pseudopotentials = {'Cu':'Cu.pz-d-rrkjus.UPF'}

input_data = {
    'system': {
        'ecutwfc': 30,
        'ecutrho': 240,
        'nbnd' : 35,
    'occupations' : 'smearing',
        'degauss' : 0.01},
    'disk_io': 'low'}  # automatically put into 'control'

calc = Espresso(pseudopotentials=pseudopotentials,kpts=(4, 4, 4),input_data=input_data,pseudo_dir = './')

fermi_level = calc.get_fermi_level()

Then do the calculations for the band diagram.

calc.set(kpts={'path':'GXWLGK', 'npoints':100},

Here, the interesting point of ASE is that you can easily draw a band diagram by putting your favorite Brillouin zone points in the path of kpts.

Finally, calculate the band diagram.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

bs = calc.band_structure()
bs.reference = fermi_level

You can now perform first-principles calculations with just your browser.

Resume calculation

If you want to restart the calculation on another day, you can do it as follows.

from google.colab import drive
!cp /content/drive/'My Drive'/ ./
import os
os.environ['PATH'] = "/content/q-e/bin:"+os.environ['PATH']
!pip install ase

After that, you can create a directory and download the pseudopotential to it.

!mkdir NaCl
%cd NaCl

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