Problem: Implementation links:
I think it's an option to make a memo while calling recursively, but how about it? People who are afraid of recursive calls may have their own stack, but if you recurse without worrying about it, it looks like this. First with ruby.
class Solver
def initialize( f, g )
def solve( root, num )
return 0 if root<num
return @memo[root] ||= ( root==num ? 1 : 0 ) + solve( @f[root], num ) + solve( @g[root], num )
class SolverNoMemo
def initialize( f, g )
def solve( root, num )
return 0 if root<num
return ( root==num ? 1 : 0 ) + solve( @f[root], num ) + solve( @g[root], num )
def solve( src )
->(x){ x/2-10 },
->(x){ x*2/3 }
).solve( *src.split(?,).map(&:to_i) ).to_s
end{ |line|
num, src, expected = line.split(/\s+/)
actual = solve( src )
ok = actual == expected
p [ ok ? "ok" : "**NG**", src, actual, expected ]
}.all?.tap{ |x| puts( x ? "okay" : "something wrong" ) }
0 123,4 5 links
1 1,1 1 link
30 5745432,1032 1287 Abbreviation
Most of the test data is omitted. "SolverNoMemo
" is a version without notes. It takes about 1 minute here.
If you make a memo, it will take less than a second.
Then with C99. This is only the version with memoization.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int solve_impl( int root, int num, int * buffer )
if ( root<num ){
return 0;
if ( root==num ){
return 1;
if ( buffer[root] ){
return buffer[root];
int a=solve_impl( root/2-10, num, buffer) + solve_impl( root*2/3, num, buffer);
return a;
char const * solve( char const * src )
int root = atoi(src);
char const * comma = strchr( src, ',' );
int num = atoi( comma+1 );
int * buffer = calloc( sizeof(int), root+1 );
int ans = solve_impl( root, num, buffer );
free( (void*)buffer);
char s[100];
sprintf( s, "%d", ans );
return strdup(s);
void test( char const * src, char const * expected )
char const * actual = solve( src );
_Bool okay = 0==strcmp( actual, expected );
printf( "%s %s->%s / %s\n", (okay ? "ok" : "**NG**"), src, actual, expected );
free( (void*)actual );
int main(void)
/*0*/ test( "123,4", "5" );
/*1*/ test( "1,1", "1" );
/*2*/ test( "2,1", "1" );
/*30*/ test( "5745432,1032", "1287" );
This problem doesn't get much longer in C.
After all memory management is troublesome. If you forget to free it, you won't notice it.
There was a concern that it would be too straight as a problem, but there were various things in the field. I hope you enjoy it.
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