Execute external commands in python (both receiving/not receiving results)

Confirmed to work with python3, MacOS and Linux.

import os
import subprocess

def exec_os_system(cmd: str):
Execute commands synchronously
Standard output and standard error output are displayed at any time at the prompt executed.
The return value is the return code of the command
    # os.Since system waits for the end of the child process with wait, the return code is stored in the upper 8 bits of the return code.
    #Shift to 8bit right to take it
    # see http://d.hatena.ne.jp/perlcodesample/20090415/1240762619
    rt = os.system(cmd) >> 8
    return rt

def exec_subprocess(cmd: str, raise_error=True):
Execute commands synchronously
The standard output and standard error output are returned together at the end.
    raise_Throw an exception if error is True and return code is non-zero
The return value is a 3-value tuple(Standard output(bytes type),Standard error output(bytes type),Return code(int))
    child = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,
                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    stdout, stderr = child.communicate()
    rt = child.returncode
    if rt != 0 and raise_error:
        raise Exception(f"command return code is not 0. got {rt}. stderr = {stderr}")

    return stdout, stderr, rt

if __name__ == "__main__":

    stdout, stderr, rt = exec_subprocess("date")

Execution result

Fri Dec 18 16:04:49 JST 2020
b'Fri Dec 18 16:04:49 JST 2020\n'

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