Print debug with PyScribe

What is PyScribe

PyScribe is a library for easier print debugging of python in case of trouble.

Installation method

You can install it with pip.

$ pip install pyscribe

How to use

Call and execute the pyscribe API in the program to be debugged.


$ pyscribe

Runtime options

Command arguments Contents
--extraargs Pass runtime arguments to the calling program
--clean File with parts related to pyscribe removed({name}
--desugared Convert from pyscribe format to format that conforms to python's standard API
--log Run-time log file(pyscribe_logs.txt)Output
--nolines Hide line numbers

API call

API call Contents
pyscribe.Scriber(labels=[]) Initialization of pyscribe
pyscribe.p(object, label=None) Output the value of the object in a format that matches the type
pyscribe.iterscribe(object) Outputs the current value of the iterator in a for or while loop Output when the value of the specified object changes
pyscribe.d(object, unit="*") Outputs the character specified by unit as a delimiter


from pyscribe import pyscribe

def main():
    ps = pyscribe.Scriber()

    x = "hogehoge"

    y = "hello"
    y = "world"
    y = "!!"

    z = 1234
    ps.d(z, unit="#")

if __name__ == "__main__":


$ pyscribe


From line 7: x is the str hogehoge
From line 10: y is the str hello
From line 11: Watching variable y, currently str hello
From line 12: y changed to world
From line 13: y changed to !!
From line 16:
z is the int 1234

in conclusion

It's a simple library, but it may make print debugging easier in case of trouble. Personally, I thought it would be useful to use the watch command, which can monitor changes in the value of a given object.


pyscribe - github

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