I wanted to know what kubernetes is, so I tried running a simple web module with GKE for the time being. There are many places where security, operational aspects, optimization, etc. are not taken into consideration in the content of this article. Please note.
<< Environment >> (as of March 9, 2019) gke master version: 1.11.7-gke.4 jdk:openjdk-11.0.2 gradle:gradle-5.2.1 tomcat:apache-tomcat-9.0.17 DB:PostgreSQL-9.6 (cloud SQL)
<< Article structure >> Please read from 1 in order. It is completed in 4.
First, create a cluster to run the web module.
Select a project at the top of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) management screen.
Select Kubernetes Engine-> Engine from the side menu.
After waiting for a while, click "Create Cluster".
Select "Standard Cluster" from the side menu.
Select Region as the location type, us-central1 as the region, and 1 as the number of nodes in the default-pool.
Click "Advanced Editing" and uncheck "Enable automatic upgrade" and "Enable automatic repair" in the management on the details screen. Click "Save" on the details screen.
Finally, click "Create".
After a while, the cluster creation will be completed.
This completes the creation of the GKE cluster.
Let's check the nodes that make up the cluster.
Select Compute Engine-> VM Instances from the side menu.
Three VMs have been created. When I created the cluster earlier, I selected "Region" and entered "1" for the number of nodes (per zone), so one node was created for each of the three zones that belong to the region.
The nodes that make up the cluster are created for each zone to reduce the risk of service outages.
that's all
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