[RUBY] [Rails] Access signed / encrypted cookies with request spec


Problem / what you want to do

As it is, the signed cookie and encrypted cookie cannot be accessed in the request spec. Specifically, I get the following error.

       undefined method `signed' for #<Rack::Test::CookieJar:0x00007fbc6751fa38>

This is because the cookies object used in the request spec is an instance of Rack :: Test :: CookieJar instead of ʻActionDispatch :: Cookies :: CookieJar and implements the signed and ʻencrypted methods. Because it is not.


ʻUse ActionDispatch :: Cookies :: CookieJar`.

it do
  get some_url
  expect(response).to have_http_status(:success)

  jar = ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar.build(request, cookies.to_hash) #here
  expect(jar.signed['foo']).to eq('something') #signed cookie too
  expect(jar.encrypted['bar']).to eq('something_else') #Encrypted cookies can also be read


However, this alone will not work in the case of secure: true (setting to send cookies only to https server). (The part of jar.signed ['foo'] becomes nil)

    cookies.signed[:foo] = {
      value: 'your_value_comers_here',
      expires: 1.day.from_now,
      secure: true,  #This setting
      httponly: true

In that case, don't use secure: true in the development and test environments.

    def method_that_uses_cookie
      foo = 'foo'
      cookies.encrypted[:foo] = build_cookies(foo)

    def build_cookies(value)
      cookie = {
        value: value,
        expires: 1.day.from_now,
        httponly: true

      if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?
        cookie.merge(secure: true)

Supplement 2

As a supplementary alternative to ↑, I also tried running rspec in ssl mode. protocol:'https: //' and protocol:: https as described in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6785261/test-an-https-ssl-request-in-rspec-rails I tried', but it didn't work. It seems that protocol is not supported by rspec in the first place because it says ʻArgumentError: unknown keyword: protocol`.

Former story

I referred to this article. https://philna.sh/blog/2020/01/15/test-signed-cookies-in-rails/

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