Ubuntu 20.04 RTX 3090 cuda cuDNN driver installation memo

Ubuntu 20.04 RTX 3090 cuda cuDNN driver A memorandum of installation.

Procedures performed

  1. On Pytorch's HP, check the version of cuda → change to cuda 11.0.

  2. Disable nouveau Create /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf and   blacklist nouveau Write options nouveau modeset = 0.

sudo update-initramfs -u   sudo reboot Apply in


  1. Install cuda Toolkit 11.0 according to the site However, at the end    sudo apt-get -y install cuda Is    sudo apt-get -y install cuda-10-1


  1. The version of cuDNN was changed from Ampere and cuda 11.0 to 8.05.  https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/cudnn/support-matrix/index.html

  2. Download cuDNN8.05 for cuda11.0 from the site  https://developer.nvidia.com/rdp/cudnn-download

  3. Install cuDNN according to the site with dpkg  https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/cudnn/install-guide/index.html#installlinux-deb

  4. Write the path in .bashrc   export PATH="/usr/local/cuda/bin:PATH"   export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/cuda/lib64:LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

source ~/.bashrc Apply at.

  1. Install the latest driver Here, 460 sudo apt install nvidia-driver-460

If you get an error that libnvidia is in the way and cannot be installed, sudo apt-get purge libnvidia* Deleted with.

  1. With python    import torch torch.cuda.is_available() Enter,    True Confirm that

Driver cuda cuDNN removed

sudo apt-get purge 'nvidia-*' sudo apt-get purge 'cuda-*' sudo apt-get purge "libcudnn8*" sudo apt autoremove sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade


Other references

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