Machine learning is exciting. Will one day be able to use it unknowingly without knowing the logic like quicksort? Anyway, it's an era when math and English are essential for engineers. .. .. : sob:
A nearly three-hour long video of Dr. Martin Görner from Google. Focusing on MNIST, it covers a wide range of topics such as cross entropy, Softmax, backpropagation, CNN, and RNN. Indian people? It sounds like it, but on the contrary, it is easy to hear.
Dr. Fei-Fei Lily of Stanford, now the Chief Scientist of Google AI. It's called the famous Stanford lecture CS231n. It is also quoted in Mr. Saito's book made from scratch. The actual lecture is given by Andrew. The difficulty is high because the content is fairly fast and high level.
Siraj Raval's YouTube channel. Anyway, it's cheerful. A happy person. Hands move well. .. .. Indian style, but speaks natural English and is easy to hear. You can also see it in Udacity.
Harrison's YouTube channel. I teach machine learning with a focus on Python. It is ordinary American English.
This is an introductory video of TensorFlow provided by Google.
The slow, mechanical English of young women makes it easy for people who are not good at English to hear. You can also study English. The content is an introductory video of conceptual machine learning.
This is a video of Google I / O '17 the other day. Introducing TensorFlow and Keras. The English of the latter half is a little quirky and difficult to hear.
TensorFlow Dev Summit 2017
A video by Andrew Ng, well known in machine learning. It is difficult to hear because it has a little Chinese accent. Coursera is also famous.
Linear algebra tutorial video
Fine product foundation. A beautiful person. English is also beautiful. I wanted to learn mathematics from such a teacher. .. ..