Introducing Amplify to Amazon Linux 2 AMI


Work content

--Introduction of Node.js --Introduction of Amplify

Introducing Node.js

Install Node Version Manager (nvm)

$ curl -o- | bash

$ . ~/.nvm/

Install the latest version of Node.js

$ nvm install node

$ node -e "console.log('Running Node.js ' + process.version)"

Node.js version switching

#Check the installable version
$ nvm ls-remote

# Install the specified version
$ nvm install 14.15.0

#Switch the version to use
$ nvm use 14.15.0

#Check the version
$ node -v

Introduction of Amplify

Install Amplify CLI

$ npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli

Pass through PATH (necessary response when switching Node.js version)

$ vi .bash_profile

Add the following

# Amplify
export PATH=$HOME/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.0/bin:$PATH

Operation check

$ amplify

| Category      |
| ------------- |
| notifications |
| analytics     |
| api           |
| auth          |
| function      |
| hosting       |
| interactions  |
| predictions   |
| storage       |
| xr            |

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amplify <command> <subcommand>

  init                Initializes a new project, sets up deployment resources in the cloud, and makes your project ready for Amplify.                              
  configure           Configures the attributes of your project for amplify-cli, such as switching front-end framework and adding/removing cloud-provider plugins. 
  push                Provisions cloud resources with the latest local developments.                                                                               
  pull                Fetch upstream backend environment definition changes from the cloud and updates the local environment to match that definition.             
  publish             Executes amplify push, and then builds and publishes client-side application for hosting.                                                    
  serve               Executes amplify push, and then executes the project's start command to test run the client-side application locally.                        
  status              Shows the state of local resources not yet pushed to the cloud (Create/Update/Delete).                                                       
  delete              Deletes all of the resources tied to the project from the cloud.                                                                             
  <category> add      Adds a resource for an Amplify category in your local backend                                                                                
  <category> update   Update resource for an Amplify category in your local backend.                                                                               
  <category> push     Provisions all cloud resources in a category with the latest local developments.                                                             
  <category> remove   Removes a resource for an Amplify category in your local backend.                                                                            
  <category>          Displays subcommands of the specified Amplify category.                                                                                      
  mock                Run mock server for testing categories locally.                                                                                              
  codegen             Generates GraphQL statements(queries, mutations and eventHandlers) and type annotations.                                                     
  env                 Displays and manages environment related information for your Amplify project.                                                               
  console             Opens the web console for the selected cloud resource. 

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