When I searched for "as a Service" from AaaS to ZaaS, I saw various services.


In recent years, in the IT area, you will often hear the terms ~~ as a Service such as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service). Here, I would like to collectively call them ** [A-Z] aaS **. I think there are more opportunities to listen to various [A-Z] aaS such as BaaS (Backend as a Service) such as Firebase and FaaS (Function as a Service) such as AWS Lambda. This time, I searched for various [A-Z] aaS. As a result, we were able to find ** 910 ** [A-Z] aaS. (All the searched results are displayed in the second half.)

[A-Z] How to find aaS

We'll fix the first two letters and collect what you see in Google search suggestions. Since there are 26 alphabetic characters, there are 26 * 26 = 676 patterns. (Caution) Just because it appears in the Google search suggestion, it does not mean that there is actually such a service.

5 personally interesting selections

ZaaS (Zangyou as a Service) It is service overtime. It's really Japanese. (Reference) https://monobook.org/wiki/ZaaS_(Zangyo_as_a_Service)

FaaS (Failure as a Service) It seems to be a service that simulates a failure. (Reference) https://www.apriorit.com/dev-blog/567-failure-as-a-service https://dev.classmethod.jp/testing/reinvent2018-gremlin/

SaaS (Service as a Service) As the name "service as a service" suggests, is it an image of introducing a service as if it were a customer? (Reference) https://www.ft.com/content/f88bc87a-0e4b-11e2-8b92-00144feabdc0

CaaS (Crime as a Service) It seems to provide a service as a tool designed to attack other services. It's dangerous. .. .. (Reference) https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/298727

BaaS(Brain as a Service) Proposed by a company called MicroTask. It seems that processing is accelerated by CPU + GPU + HPU (Human Processing Unit). (Reference) http://www.druckerforum.org/retrospective/fileadmin/user_upload/2013/files/presentations/dayI/otto_chrons_presentation.pdf

How to find

(Examination 1) Use Google Suggest API

There is a Google Suggest API that allows you to get a Google search suggestion when you type a word. (Reference) https://so-zou.jp/web-app/tech/web-api/google/suggest/ However, when searching for [A-Z] aaS from suggestions, you need to first type "as a Service" in the search bar and then type the first letter you want to look up, instead of getting the suggestion normally. So the Google Suggest API didn't know what URL to send the request to. .. .. If this were possible, I think the amount of work required for collection would have been reduced by a factor of 10.

(Examination 2) Use python OCR

I didn't want to just hit the suggested result by hand, so I decided to use OCR to convert the image information into a character string. Just type Aa as a Service to Zz as a Service in the chrome search bar and take a screenshot of the suggested screen. (Taking screenshots 676 times)

The following program uses OCR to extract text information from an image. After that, extract the one that fits the [A-Z] aaS format. With the following code, I was able to extract [A-Z] aaS from the image.


from PIL import Image
import glob

import pyocr
import pyocr.builders

tools = pyocr.get_available_tools()
tool = tools[0]

langs = tool.get_available_languages()
lang = langs[0]

# a ~Turn with z
for i in range(97, 97+26):
    image_files = glob.glob("images/%c/Screen*"%chr(i))
    words = []
    for image_file in image_files:
        im = Image.open(image_file)
        croped_image = im.crop((300, 250, 1000, 730)) #Criteria

        #Read characters line by line from an image with OCR
        line_and_word_boxes = tool.image_to_string(

        #Read each column from the obtained character string
        for line_words in line_and_word_boxes:
            if line_words.content.endswith('as a service') and line_words.content.startswith(chr(i)):
                word = line_words.content.capitalize()
                word = word.replace('service', 'Service')

    #Concatenate with line feed code and write to file
    words = '\n'.join(list(set(words)))
    with open("result/"+chr(i)+".txt", 'w') as f:
        print(words, file=f)

Up to A-Z

All the [A-Z] aas acquired below are listed. This time, I was able to check 910 pieces, which is a tremendous amount. It's also annoying to scroll. I'm only looking for results from Google search suggestions, so I think there's actually more.

AaaS Apple as a Service Auto as a Service Aas as a Service About platform as a Service Availability as a Service Agriculture as a Service Application as a Service Advisory as a Service Api management as a Service Aws platform as a Service Agency as a Service Aws kafka as a Service Air conditioning as a Service Agreement as a Service Audit as a Service Amazon kubernetes as a Service Active directory as a Service About rap as a Service All as a Service Azure app as a Service Admin as a Service As a Service Afschepen as a Service Advertising as a Service Access management as a Service Axa insurance as a Service App as a Service Android as a Service Access as a Service Azure platform as a Service Airbnb as a Service Aws blockchain as a Service Adobe as a Service Accounting as a Service Akka as a Service Azure desktop as a Service Air as a Service Agreement software as a Service Aws infrastructure as a Service Authentication as a Service Appliance as a Service About software as a Service Amazon container as a Service Adesso as a Service Agent as a Service Aem content as a Service Airport as a Service Alert as a Service Apache as a Service Aviation as a Service Azure database as a Service Amazon as a Service Ansible as a Service Automation as a Service Amazon blockchain as a Service Aem as a Service About infrastructure as a Service Azure infrastructure as a Service Alexa as a Service Ad as a Service Avaya as a Service Api as a Service Avatar as a Service Ai as a Service And security as a Service Av as a Service Ad self Service plus as a Service Assurance as a Service

BaaS Branch as a Service Book as a Service Banking as a Service Bi as a Service Bginfo unable to launch as a Service Backup as a Service Bike as a Service Bbva banking as a Service Bicycle as a Service Bss as a Service Business process as a Service Breakfast as a Service Brand as a Service Bd as a Service Bginfo unable to relaunch as a Service Big data as a Service Battery as a Service Bginfo as a Service Billing as a Service Bcp as a Service Broker as a Service Business as a Service Bim as a Service Building as a Service Brain as a Service Blockchain as a Service Backend as a Service Business model as a Service Bem as a Service Bgp as a Service Business model software as a Service CaaS Cloud as a Service Cfo as a Service Classification as a Service Customer experience as a Service Cctv as a Service Cyber threat intelligence as a Service Cyber as a Service Cyber range as a Service Cat as a Service Css as a Service Car as a Service Cybercrime as a Service Chef as a Service Customer Service as a Service Cyber security as a Service Client as a Service Cnae software as a Service Crime as a Service Cdn as a Service Credit as a Service Community as a Service Cdw device as a Service Cntlm as a Service Cto as a Service Cloud computing as a Service Ccm as a Service Cts as a Service Check-in as a Service Channel as a Service Certificate as a Service Capital as a Service Cdm as a Service Chat as a Service Crafting as a Service Ckan as a Service

DaaS DDos as a Service Data as a Service Dxc insurance as a Service Data center as a Service Drupal as a Service Docker as a Service Dhs workplace as a Service Db as a Service Django as a Service Duo as a Service Dpi as a Service Dxc storage as a Service Ddi as a Service Dynamics as a Service Devops as a Service Db2 as a Service Dxc digital insurance as a Service Django platform as a Service Database as a Service Dpo as a Service Dmp as a Service Dmarc as a Service Dsp as a Service Data science as a Service Dxc desktop as a Service Docker swarm as a Service Device as a Service Dhcp as a Service Dsi as a Service Dba as a Service Dxc backup as a Service Dxc platform as a Service Dr as a Service Development as a Service Dns as a Service Docker start as a Service Desktop as a Service Drone as a Service Dns server as a Service Dc as a Service Dropbox as a Service Dxc device as a Service Docker compose as a Service Dpd sorry as a Service Delivery as a Service Domain as a Service Dnssec as a Service Dms as a Service Dbaas database as a Service Dmz as a Service Drm as a Service Driver as a Service EaaS Exchange as a Service Etcd as a Service Economy as a Service Epc as a Service Erp as a Service Ea as a Service Example of platform as a Service Elasticsearch as a Service Endpoint as a Service Example of infrastructure as a Service Email as a Service Emotion as a Service Education as a Service Energy as a Service Ejemplos de software as a Service Ey cyber as a Service Edi as a Service Esb as a Service Ejemplos de infrastructure as a Service Ejemplos de platform as a Service Ecommerce as a Service Engineering as a Service Examples of data as a Service Experience as a Service Examples of platform as a Service Ethernet as a Service Ec2 as a Service Escrow as a Service Elastic as a Service Ey cybersecurity as a Service Ehr as a Service Etl as a Service Equipment as a Service Eshop as a Service Editing as a Service Elk as a Service Edge as a Service Ejemplo software as a Service Environment as a Service Efficiency as a Service Ecosystem as a Service Espace as a Service Email encryption as a Service Examples of software as a Service Employee as a Service Eugene wei status as a Service Ehr software as a Service Eit as a Service Exe as a Service Ecm as a Service Eu mobility as a Service

FaaS Function as a Service Fitness as a Service Fleet as a Service Fit as a Service Fax as a Service Failure as a Service Ffmpeg as a Service Fabric as a Service Food as a Service File upload as a Service Fw as a Service Ff14 crafting as a Service Fn function as a Service Fido as a Service Flow as a Service Fda software as a Service Fpga as a Service Fhir as a Service Factory as a Service Ftp as a Service Finance as a Service Ftp server as a Service Fte as a Service Fm as a Service Farming as a Service Flask as a Service Full as a Service Food delivery as a Service Flags as a Service Fbaas functional blockchain as a Service Feature as a Service Ffxiv crafting as a Service File transfer as a Service Fees as a Service Federation as a Service Feedback as a Service Fx as a Service Feature flags as a Service

GaaS Gpedit logon as a Service Gpo as a Service Gep kafka as a Service Gitea as a Service Gpu as a Service Git as a Service Gateway as a Service Gunicorn as a Service Gbm as a Service Gym as a Service Gitlab as a Service Gcp desktop as a Service Gps tracking as a Service Gpo logon as a Service Gmail as a Service Government as a Service Google docs is an example of software as a Service Github as a Service Gis as a Service Gcp platform as a Service Global mobility as a Service Gcp database as a Service Gcp blockchain as a Service Graphics as a Service Graphic design as a Service Gitlab runner as a Service Gcp infrastructure as a Service Games as a Service Gas as a Service Graphql as a Service Gpl software as a Service Goods as a Service

HaaS Hbase as a Service Hfs as a Service Healing as a Service Hfs procurement as a Service Hp device as a Service Hardware as a Service History of as a Service Hdfs as a Service Hw as a Service Hilti as a Service Hp printing as a Service Healthcare as a Service Highway as a Service Hpe as a Service Html to pdf as a Service Hpe everything as a Service Hpc as a Service Hsm as a Service Hr as a Service Hadoop as a Service Hana as a Service Headset as a Service Heating as a Service Hvac as a Service Hp as a Service Health as a Service Hci as a Service Httpd as a Service Hbr platform as a Service Human as a Service Hp printer as a Service Hacking as a Service

IaaS Iis as a Service Ibm blockchain as a Service Ibm backup as a Service Iphone as a Service Irc as a Service Iaas as a Service Immobilier as a Service Infrastructure as a Service Irrigation as a Service Ico as a Service Icinga as a Service Ifix as a Service Ifrs 16 software as a Service Internet as a Service Is a platform as a Service Ix as a Service Iot platform as a Service It security as a Service Image as a Service Ixia testing as a Service In platform as a Service Iot as a Service Iaas infrastructure as a Service Ivanti as a Service Ict as a Service Ivr as a Service Id as a Service Iam as a Service Identity as a Service Iis server as a Service Ips as a Service Ibm platform as a Service Ipad as a Service Ira as a Service Ixia lab as a Service Iwsva as a Service Ibm deep learning as a Service Ios as a Service Iis express as a Service Ipsec as a Service Ims as a Service Industry as a Service Iga as a Service Ibm infrastructure as a Service Ibm mainframe as a Service Ibm software as a Service

JaaS Job as a Service Jde as a Service Journalism as a Service Jboss eap 7 as a Service Judge as a Service Jboss as a Service Jira as a Service Jmeter as a Service Jenkins as a Service Jdownloader as a Service Jupyterhub as a Service Jq as a Service Javascript as a Service Justice as a Service Jboss run as a Service Jwt as a Service Json as a Service Jd retail as a Service Jfrog as a Service Js as a Service Java class as a Service Jewelry as a Service Jupyter as a Service Jupyter notebook as a Service Java as a Service Jvm as a Service

Kaas Kubectl as a Service Kubernetes function as a Service Kubernetes as a Service Kpi as a Service Kms as a Service Knowledge base as a Service Keyboard as a Service Kitchen as a Service Key management as a Service Kpmg as a Service Kvh connectivity as a Service Knowledge as a Service Kyc as a Service Kpmg mobility as a Service Key as a Service Kafka as a Service Kvm as a Service

LaaS Leadership as a Service Lab as a Service Laundry as a Service Light as a Service Linux start as a Service Learning as a Service Lync as a Service Lenovo as a Service Lan as a Service Library as a Service Laser cutting as a Service Legal as a Service Logistics as a Service Log on as a Service Laptop as a Service Linux as a Service Luxury as a Service Location as a Service Life as a Service List of as a Service Login as a Service

MaaS Mvno as a Service Ml platform as a Service Ms windows as a Service Mdm as a Service Mobility as a Service Mro as a Service Machine learning as a Service Mdx as a Service Ml as a Service Ms project as a Service Mpls as a Service Msp and as a Service Management as a Service Music as a Service Mlaas machine learning as a Service Machine as a Service Microsoft as a Service Marketing as a Service Mind as a Service Middleware as a Service Mfa as a Service Mysq|i start as a Service Mdr as a Service Mssql as a Service Matt broker as a Service Mrp as a Service Model as a Service Mft as a Service Maas mobility as a Service Mysql as a Service Matt as a Service Microsoft desktop as a Service Mvp as a Service Mq as a Service Man truck as a Service Mongodb as a Service Marketplace as a Service

NaaS Ngrok as a Service Nike as a Service Nip as a Service Nvidia gaming as a Service Nps as a Service Nlu as a Service Ng serve as a Service Npm start as a Service Ntrights logon as a Service Npm as a Service No as a Service Nfv as a Service Netflix as a Service Notification as a Service Nms as a Service Notebook as a Service Ntp as a Service Nzbget as a Service Nfs as a Service Nslookup as a Service Nature as a Service Nat as a Service Nfaas named function as a Service Nginx as a Service Nexus as a Service Network as a Service Nzta mobility as a Service Nmap as a Service

OaaS Openshift as a Service Oecd software as a Service Omnichannel as a Service Openvpn as a Service Odoo as a Service Owncloud as a Service Omada controller as a Service Office as a Service Otp as a Service Oauth2 as a Service Oss as a Service Oauth as a Service Ocr as a Service Otrs as a Service Owin as a Service Outlook as a Service Operations as a Service Organization as a Service Ot as a Service Orchestration as a Service Object storage as a Service Oracle cloud database as a Service Outsourcing as a Service Oms as a Service Oem mobility as a Service Ott as a Service Operating system as a Service Object as a Service Output as a Service Oracle cloud as a Service On software as a Service Oxidized as a Service Of infrastructure as a Service

PaaS Pipeline as a Service Pm2 as a Service Ptp as a Service Police as a Service Platform as a Service Pharma as a Service Pwc insights as a Service Pump as a Service Pbx as a Service Python function as a Service Philips as a Service Pef as a Service Phone as a Service Pmo as a Service Portal as a Service Performance as a Service Pizza as a Service Pension as a Service Perks as a Service Python as a Service Pwc dpo as a Service Puppet as a Service Proxy as a Service Pci as a Service Push as a Service Ppt on software as a Service Pwc software as a Service Pos as a Service Ppm as a Service Product as a Service Porsche as a Service Ps4 as a Service Post as a Service Paas platform as a Service Power as a Service Plex as a Service Payroll as a Service Pure as a Service Pigeon as a Service Procurement as a Service Pc as a Service Python program as a Service Pdf as a Service Pgbouncer as a Service Pms as a Service Payment as a Service Pivotal function as a Service Psexec as a Service Parking as a Service Ping as a Service Python script as a Service Push notifications as a Service Pwc mobility as a Service

QaaS Quality as a Service Qbittorrent run as a Service Qradar as a Service Qr code as a Service Qover insurance as a Service Qic mobility as a Service Qitc as a Service Qa automation as a Service Qa as a Service Qa testing as a Service Quality management as a Service Qvartz mobility as a Service Qsync as a Service Qlik web connectors as a Service Qlik as a Service Qbittorrent as a Service Qkd as a Service Quant as a Service

RaaS Rds as a Service Room as a Service Retail as a Service Rolls royce as a Service Rsyslog as a Service Rabbit as a Service Rsync as a Service Ransomware as a Service Rtb bidder as a Service Rng as a Service Run exe as a Service Rh as a Service Run plex as a Service Rpa software as a Service Rclone as a Service Run onedrive as a Service Rhapsody as a Service Rss as a Service Radio as a Service Run dropbox as a Service Radius as a Service Run unifi as a Service Rdp as a Service Run unifi controller as a Service Rtorrent as a Service Ras as a Service Rpa as a Service Risk as a Service Rap as a Service Roaming as a Service Rfp for soc as a Service Rfp as a Service Rfp software as a Service Rslinx running as a Service Rbac as a Service Rfid as a Service Right to log on as a Service Robotics as a Service Run powershell script as a Service Rabbitmg as a Service Rsa as a Service Res as a Service Rem as a Service

SaaS Sdr as a Service Software as a Service Snail mail as a Service Synology as a Service Snow as a Service Swarm as a Service Sleep as a Service Sccm as a Service Science as a Service Slack as a Service Strategy as a Service Script powershell as a Service Spark as a Service Swift as a Service Sql database as a Service Symfony factory as a Service Storage as a Service Spring boot as a Service Sftp as a Service Skills as a Service Syslog as a Service Sql server as a Service Svn as a Service Switch as a Service Sdn as a Service Support as a Service Saas as a Service Service desk as a Service Ship as a Service Swagger as a Service Symfony controller as a Service Supply chain as a Service Streaming as a Service Scheduling software as a Service Symfony repository as a Service Smtp as a Service Smtp relay as a Service Sd-wan as a Service Shop as a Service Scanning as a Service Subscription as a Service Sap as a Service Shell as a Service Site as a Service Sam as a Service Sms gateway as a Service Spring as a Service Space as a Service Skype as a Service Slice as a Service Smart home as a Service Sip as a Service Smartphone as a Service School as a Service Sdk as a Service Shadow gaming as a Service Signalr as a Service Sbe as a Service Surface as a Service Sv as a Service Sms as a Service Status as a Service Secret as a Service Snowflake as a Service Sales as a Service Saas software as a Service Snackbar as a Service Sprint as a Service Security as a Service Siem as a Service System as a Service

TaaS Task scheduler as a Service Tape as a Service Testing as a Service Team as a Service Types of cloud as a Service Train as a Service Tftpd32 is running as a Service Tftpd as a Service Tyco as a Service Tts as a Service Teamviewer as a Service Thm as a Service Training as a Service Tcpdump as a Service Tunnel as a Service Tivo as a Service Tech as a Service Transportation as a Service Tftpd64 as a Service Tms as a Service Truck as a Service Translation as a Service Tyre as a Service Two factor authentication as a Service Tftp as a Service Tftp server as a Service Time as a Service Table as a Service Tightvnc as a Service Tfs as a Service Types of as a Service Turn as a Service Telephony as a Service Tool as a Service Tftpd32 as a Service Tax as a Service Tv as a Service

UaaS Uwp as a Service Uav as a Service Uma as a Service Umbraco as a Service User profile as a Service Unifi controller run as a Service Uipath as a Service Uber as a Service Ux research as a Service Upload as a Service Uptime as a Service Ux as a Service Uitp mobility as a Service Unifi as a Service Ui components as a Service Ups as a Service Ultravnc as a Service Uwsgj as a Service Uat as a Service Unified communications as a Service Url shortener as a Service User as a Service Update as a Service Ultrasound as a Service Ubuntu run as a Service Unifi controller as a Service Ubuntu start mongodb as a Service Uipath orchestrator as a Service Uipath rpa as a Service Ui as a Service Uipath robot as a Service Utility as a Service Ubuntu as a Service Uber mobility as a Service

VaaS Vdi desktop as a Service Vault encryption as a Service Vulnerability management as a Service Volvo as a Service Vsts agent as a Service Voice as a Service Vision as a Service Vehicle as a Service Vault as a Service Vnc as a Service Ve as a Service Vmware infrastructure as a Service Vdi vs desktop as a Service Vpp as a Service Voicemail as a Service Vb.net run program as a Service Vod as a Service Vdi as a Service Vastgoed as a Service Vnf as a Service Vb6 as a Service Vtiger as a Service Video streaming as a Service Vmware as a Service Vbox as a Service Vmware desktop as a Service Value as a Service Vpn as a Service Vic as a Service Vad ar en as a Service Vr as a Service Volvo car as a Service Video editing as a Service Virtualization as a Service Vcenter as a Service Voip as a Service Vpc as a Service Vmware workstation as a Service Volte as a Service Vbs as a Service Vulnerability assessment as a Service Vbscript as a Service Vncserver as a Service Vulnerability scanning as a Service Video as a Service Vmware kubernetes as a Service Vb.net as a Service Value chain as a Service

WaaS Website as a Service Word as a Service Web security as a Service Wfm as a Service Wpf as a Service Web scraping as a Service Workstation as a Service Wgl energy as a Service Web as a Service Wp curve Service as a Service Wef as a Service Water as a Service Wsl as a Service What is mobility as a Service What is platform as a Service What is infrastructure as a Service Warehouse as a Service Wsus as a Service Wifi as a Service Washing machine as a Service Wmi as a Service Workforce as a Service Waiter as a Service Windows update as a Service What is marketing as a Service What is software as a Service What is security as a Service Wrapper as a Service Windows as a Service Windows python as a Service Warmte as a Service Workplace as a Service Watch as a Service Windows install as a Service

XaaS Xaas everything as a Service Xampp install apache as a Service Xenmobile as a Service Xaas anything as a Service Xwiki as a Service Xampp as a Service Xbox games as a Service Xendesktop as a Service Xbox as a Service Xinet as a Service Xenapp as a Service Xaas as a Service Xmpp as a Service Xcode as a Service Xtaas telemarketing as a Service

YaaS Youtube as a Service

ZaaS Zangyou as a Service Zscaler as a Service Zookeeper as a Service Zabbix as a Service Zf mobility as a Service Zscaler security as a Service Zdnet windows as a Service Zabbix agent as a Service Zeppelin as a Service Zscaler firewall as a Service Zero carbon as a Service Zap as a Service

At the end

It's a tremendous amount of service. I wondered if the service that was normal until now was named as a Service because it was good for grounders. Is it better to use the service than to prepare yourself when you want to do something from now on? I will introduce it because it was summarized in the following article about two years ago. https://boxil.jp/mag/a3600/

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