AtCoder Beginner Contest 064 Review of past questions

The second past question that I have already solved

Time required

スクリーンショット 2020-01-01 17.01.14.png

Problem A

Whether it is divisible by 4 is OK with the last 2 digits

if (10*g+1*b)%4==0:

If you also use the ternary operator

print("YES" if (10*g+1*b)%4==0 else "NO")

B problem

Minimum coordinates → Maximum coordinates are naturally minimum

a=[int(i) for i in input().split()]

C problem

It can be simpler than when I wrote it before. You can usually write the corresponding array in order from the front. However, if all are 3200 or more, the minimum will be 1, so be careful only there.

a=[int(i) for i in input().split()]
for i in range(n):
    for j in range(8):
        if a[i]<400*(j+1):

if x[:-1].count(1)!=0:
    print(x[:-1].count(1),end=" ")
    print(1,end=" ")

D problem

When I solved it for the first time, I found it really difficult. In short, it suffices if a pair of ** "(" and ")" exists as a pair **. In order for a pair of "(" and ")" to exist as a pair, the number of "(" must always be greater than ")" and the number of "(" and ")" must be the same. When you start thinking about nesting, it gets complicated. In order to make the number of parentheses ** consistent like this, you should think like a stack **! !! ** If you think like a stack, you can check with +1 and -1 without having to pack it in the stack ** (the number corresponds to the size of the stack.)

if s[0]=="(":
for i in range(1,n):
    if s[i]=="(":
if c<0:

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