[JAVA] Use TensorFlow from JRuby

Piyo7 posted Call TensorFlow Java API from Scala a few days ago. I tried to see what kind of code it would be from JRuby.



require 'pp'
require 'java'
require './libtensorflow-1.0.0-PREVIEW1.jar'

module TF
  include_package 'org.tensorflow'

graph = TF::Graph.new

a = graph.opBuilder("Const", "a").
  setAttr("dtype", TF::DataType::INT32).
  setAttr("value", TF::Tensor.create([1, 2, 3].to_java(:int))).

b = graph.opBuilder("Const", "b").
  setAttr("dtype", TF::DataType::INT32).
  setAttr("value", TF::Tensor.create([4, 5, 6].to_java(:int))).

c = graph.opBuilder("Mul", "c").

session = TF::Session.new(graph)
out = Array.new(3).to_java(:int)

pp out #=> int[4, 10, 18]@71623278

$ ruby -J-Djava.library.path=./jni example.rb

If you run it with, you will certainly get [4, 10, 18].

I was a little addicted to the process of importing org.tensorflow

  import 'org.tensorflow.*'

Instead of writing, it became a method to define a namespace TF and include_package.


A library that runs TensorFlow from Ruby was released last June


Seems to be a classic.

Comparing the sample code that comes with this library with the above example.rb, example.rb is considerably more verbose. is.

If it makes sense to evolve this code, it would just replace module TF with a more intelligent wrapper.

(1) [Metaprogramming] module TF using symbol information on Java side (http://qiita.com/tags/%E3%83%A1%E3%82%BF%E3%83%97%E3% 83% AD% E3% 82% B0% E3% 83% A9% E3% 83% 9F% E3% 83% B3% E3% 82% B0).

(2) Keras Provides a more abstract (Ruby-like) API like.

It is possible that.

Keras will be integrated into TensorFlow with Keras 2 (→ Spring 2017 roadmap: Keras 2, PR freeze, TF integration), Java The API specification seems to be still unstable. Unfortunately, both (1) and (2) are premature.

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