.vimrc settings
if &compatible set nocompatible endif
if has("multi_byte_encoding") set encoding=utf-8 endif
syntax enable
This command actually executes the following command:
set t_Co=256
set fileformats=unix,dos
White is inserted as many as'tabstop' except at the beginning of the line. set smarttab
set expandtab
It also uses spaces for indentation with commands'>' and'<', and for indentation when the option'autoindent'is on. Use CTRL-V
set virtualedit=block Virtual editing allows you to place the cursor where there are no characters. In other words, you can move the cursor inside the tab character or behind the end of the line. This is useful when selecting rectangles in visual mode or when editing a table.
set ignorecase
set smartcase Only used if'ignorecase' is on when the search pattern is typed in from the keyboard. The commands applied are "/", "?", "N", "N", ": g", ": s". It does not apply to "*", "#", "gd" or tag search.
set incsearch
set wrapscan
set list set listchars=tab:>-,trail:~
set number
set laststatus=2
set showtabline=2
set clipboard=unnamed
set backspace=eol,indent,start
set wildmenu set wildmode=list:full set wildignore=.o,.obj,.pyc,.so,*.dll
if has('path_extra') set tags& tags +=.tags,tags endif
mkdir -p ~.vim/bundle git clone https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim ~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim
Below in .vimrc
set runtimepath+=~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim/ call neobundle#begin(expand('~/.vim/bundle/')) NeoBundleFetch 'Shougo/neobundle.vim' NeoBundle 'Shougo/unite.vim' call neobundle#end() NeoBundleCheck
$sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags
In .vimrc NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/taglist.vim' NeoBundle 'szw/vim-tags'
" taglist set tags = tags let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = "/usr/bin/ctags" let Tlist_Show_One_File = 1 let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1 let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 1
filetype plugin indent on