[JAVA] Isn't unit testing easier with constructor injection? Talk


This is @Autowired, which I absolutely use when writing code in Spring. Recently, it seems that constructor injection is recommended instead of field injection.

Try google to find out why constructor injection is recommended in the first place. There are various reasons, but the one I was most convinced of was "that? Isn't this a unit test effort?", So I wrote about it.

It's annoying to make a mock

Class to be tested

The sample is too good, but if there is a class that sends such an email.


import org.springframework.mail.MailSender;
import org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage;

public class MailService {

    MailSender mailSender;

    public void send() {

        SimpleMailMessage msg = new SimpleMailMessage();
        msg.setFrom("[email protected]");
        msg.setTo("[email protected]");
        msg.setSubject("Hello World");
        msg.setText("Welcome to my world.");

Test code

I will write the test code.


public class MailServiceTest {

    MailService mailService;

    MailSender mailSender;

    ArgumentCaptor<SimpleMailMessage> msgCaptor;

    public void test() {
        //Executing the method under test

        //Among the methods under test, mailSender#send has been executed once
        //Then capture the arguments
        verify(mailSender, times(1)).send(msgCaptor.capture());

        //Validate the contents of the argument
        SimpleMailMessage msg = msgCaptor.getValue();
        assertThat(msg.getFrom(), is("[email protected]"));
        assertThat(msg.getTo().length, is(1));
        assertThat(msg.getTo()[0], is("[email protected]"));
        assertThat(msg.getSubject(), is("Hello World"));
        assertThat(msg.getText(), is("Welcome to my world."));

If it is a field injection class, is it written like this? I hope I'm used to it, but I forget how to write Captor every time, and if I don't comment (even if there is a comment), I can't read it later, and it's annoying in the first place.

Try constructor injection

Class to be tested (only corrections)


public class MailService {

    private final MailSender mailSender;

    public MailService(MailSender mailSender) {
        this.mailSender = mailSender;

    //The following is omitted

Test code


public class MailServiceTest {

     *Create your own mailSender mock class
    private class MailSenderMock implements MailSender {
        SimpleMailMessage simpleMessage;
        public void send(SimpleMailMessage simpleMessage) throws MailException {
            this.simpleMessage = simpleMessage;
        public void send(SimpleMailMessage... simpleMessages) throws MailException {

    public void test() {

        //Pass the mock class to create an instance
        MailSenderMock mailSenderMock = new MailSenderMock();
        MailService mailService = new MailService(mailSenderMock);

        //Executing the method under test

        SimpleMailMessage msg = mailSenderMock.simpleMessage;
        assertThat(msg.getFrom(), is("[email protected]"));
        assertThat(msg.getTo().length, is(1));
        assertThat(msg.getTo()[0], is("[email protected]"));
        assertThat(msg.getSubject(), is("Hello World"));
        assertThat(msg.getText(), is("Welcome to my world."));

In the sample, the mock class is written as an inner class, but you can create a class file individually. You can make it with Mockito.mock, though. It was the end of the story that Mockito was annoying, but ... (Mockito.mock () may be used for classes that do not have to do anything.)

The class under test in the sample is too simple, so it doesn't seem to make much difference, but I thought it would be easy not to mock it with Mockito. Also, since it no longer depends on SpringBoot, JUnit will not work due to property settings or lack of DB.

Such a thing

For example, you can have about 3 @Autowired and change the behavior of only one for unit testing. In this case, set it to @ SpringBootTest and @Autowired in the test class the class that does not change the behavior.

In this case, it depends on Spring Boot. I want to write test code like an integration test from Controller, but there is an obstructive class! At times, I think this method is also good.


public class MailServiceTest {
    HogeSerice hogeService;
    FugaService fugaService;

    private class MailSenderMock {

    public void test() {

        //Pass the mock class to create an instance
        MailSenderMock mailSenderMock = new MailSenderMock();
        MailService mailService = new MailService(mailSenderMock, hogeService, fugaService);

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