[RUBY] Tips for improving Jbuilder rendering time with jsonapi-serializer

Have you ever used Jbuilder in a Rails View and found your collection to render slowly? In that case, jsonapi-serializer may be able to improve it easily. For details on how to use jsonapi-serializer, see Official Document. In this article, I will write tips for replacing Jbuilder with jsonapi-serializer. It is a hybrid format that allows Jbuilder and jsonapi-serializer to coexist for easy verification rather than complete replacement. (If you can confirm the effect and need it, you can replace it completely.)


I am writing this article due to some circumstances, and there are the following points to note mainly due to time constraints.

What is jsonapi-serializer?

It is a gem that outputs data in JSON API format, and it is set to Speed. Originally developed on Netflix/fast_jsonapi, it has been forked by a volunteer community as it is no longer maintained. Then it became the current jsonapi-serializer/jsonapi-serializer.


Create a Serializer Module

As mentioned earlier, the output of jsonapi-serializer is in the format defined by the JSON API specification, which is difficult to use to replace jbuilder. Therefore, create the following Serializer Module.

module ApplicationSerializer
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    include JSONAPI::Serializer

  class_methods do
    #If you want to write it short, you may want to have the following class method
    # def attributes(...)
    #   new(...).attributes
    # end

  #Extract only the necessary parts
  def attributes
    data = serializable_hash[:data]
    case data
    when Hash
    when Enumerable

Create a serializer for a single resource, such as Jbuilder show.json.jbuilder

For example, it looks like the following.


json.extract! @post, :id, :title, :content, :published_at


class PostSerializer
  include ApplicationSerializer

  attributes :id, :title, :content, :published_at

Modify the contents of show.json.jbuilder to use Serializer


json.merge! PostSerializer.new(@post).attributes

Similarly, change the view of multiple resources such as index.json.jbuilder to use Serializer


json.array! @posts, partial: 'posts/post', as: :post


json.merge! PostSerializer.new(@posts).attributes

(You can pass either single or multiple resources to Serializer)

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