!Mac OS X-10.15.7!ruby-2.7.1p83
If you try to have some behavior in one command, you need to handle options etc. properly. For that, there are some CLI builder gems, and here you will learn thor.
First of all
gem install thor
Incorporate into the previously created hello \ _ruby
require 'thor'
require "hello_rudy/version"
class HelloRudyCLI < Thor
desc "hello NAME", "say hello to NAME"
def hello(name)
puts "Hello " + name
This almost works. The string CLI must be at the end of the class name.
To make it work properly, fix it further.
> in hello_rudy.gemspec
> bundle update
> bundle install
> cat lib/hello_rudy/version.rb
class HelloRudy #
VERSION = "0.1.0"
It's done.
When I try to move it to local with bundle
> bundle exec exe/hello_rudy
hello_rudy hello NAME # say hello to NAME
hello_rudy help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
> bundle exec exe/hello_rudy hello Rudy
Hello Rudy
Works with.
It checks if the code is written according to the rules.
Besides simple checks such as tabs and blank formats, there are method length and abc size. Warning that the default method length is 10 lines or more. abc size is
--Assignment: Assignment to a variable --Branch: method call --Condition: Conditional statement
Warn if something is counted and exceeds the standard value.
It turns out that it's really important to write a short method that even has such a tool.