Divisor enumeration when prime factorization is already known (Python)


When solving competitive programming problems such as AtCoder, you may want to do something like "I already know the prime factorization, so I want to combine it to generate a divisor." I have summarized what I learned & thought about how to do it.


Consider such a problem.

** Problem ** There is a sequence $ A $ consisting of $ N $ integers. When the product $ A_1 * A_2 * ... * A_N $ of the sequence $ A $ is $ X $, output all the divisors of $ X $.

** Constraints **

  • N <= 2 * 10^5
  • A_i <= 2 * 10^5
  • X <= 10^{18}

** Input format **

A1 ... AN


2 2 3



Simple solution

To be simple, you can first find the product $ X $ and then try and divide it in the range of $ 2 $ to $ \ sqrt X $. Since the calculation amount of trial division is $ O (\ sqrt N) $, the calculation amount becomes large when the product $ X $ is huge.

Find the prime factorization of X

Now consider finding the ** prime factorization of the product $ X $ ** instead of finding the product $ X $ directly. As shown in the following figure, ** multiplication of natural numbers takes advantage of the fact that it is a merge of prime factors **.


In other words, factorize each element of the sequence $ A $ into prime factors, and then add the ** exponents of the result ** to merge them. This can be calculated by $ O (N * \ sqrt {maxA}) $, which can be calculated at high speed under this constraint.

from collections import defaultdict
def prime_factors_from_list(A):
Find the prime factorization of the number multiplied by all the elements of the sequence A.
    #Merge each element of the sequence A while factoring it into prime factors.
    #Prepare one dictionary of prime factors and add it each time you discover a prime factor for each element.
    prime_factors = defaultdict(int)
    for a in A:
        tmp = a
        factor = 2
        while factor ** 2 <= a and tmp != 1:
            while tmp % factor == 0:
                a_is_prime = False
                prime_factors[factor] += 1
                tmp //= factor
            # 2,3,5,7,9...
            factor += (1 if factor == 2 else 2)
        if tmp != 1:
            prime_factors[tmp] += 1
    return prime_factors

""" (Output result. 2^2 * 3^2 * 5^Represents a prime factorization of 1.)
defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {2: 2, 3: 2, 5: 1})

List divisors from prime factorization

How can we find the divisor list from the prime factorization of the product $ X $ obtained in this way?

For example, the prime factorization of $ 12 $ is $ 2 ^ 2 * 3 ^ 1 $, and the divisors are six, $ 1,2,3,4,6,12 $. This can be associated with ** a pattern of exponential selection for each prime factor ** as follows:

1 = 2^0 * 3^0 2 = 2^1 * 3^0 3 = 2^0 * 3^1 4 = 2^2 * 3^0 6 = 2^1 * 3^1 12 = 2^2 * 3^1

The prime factor $ 2 $ has three exponents of $ 0,1,2 $, and the $ 3 $ exponent has two exponents of $ 0,1 $. We have obtained $ 3 * 2 = 6 $ divisors.

This idea can be implemented as a repetition of ** each known divisor multiplied by the prime factor of interest and added to the divisor list **.

def divisors_from_prime_factors(prime_factors, need_sort=True):
Generate a divisor list from prime factorization.(Includes 1 and its number itself)
A list of tuples that represent the prime factorization.
        p1^a1 * p2^If a2,[(p1,a1),(p2,a2)] 。
If True, sorts and returns the divisor list.
    #List of known divisors
    div = [1]
    for p,a in prime_factors:
        #For each of the known divisors
        # p^1x, p^2 times, ... p^Calculate a times and add to the divisor list
        m = len(div)
        for i in range(m):
            for j in range(1, a+1):
                div.append(div[i] * p**j)
    if need_sort:
    return div


Using the above function, the problem at the beginning was solved as follows.

n = int(input())
A = list(map(int, input().split())
prime_factors = prime_factors_from_list(A)
divisors = divisors_from_prime_factors(prime_factors.items())
print(*divisors, sep="\n")

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