New employee tried to develop Web service individually

Service made

AtoP A service that allows you to create a band homepage

Why i decided to make

I joined SIer this year as a new graduate and started to operate, maintain and develop Web services. As I fixed bugs and carried out additional development, I became able to understand the program a little, but I felt that I could not understand how the Web service works. Therefore, I thought that I could understand it by creating a Web service from scratch, and started development.

Why did you choose this theme

Amateur bands felt that they often created Twitter and Instagram accounts, but not homepages. (Does homepage production feel like a high hurdle?)

I wanted a site that had information on amateur bands.

My skill set

PHP,MySQL I touched it a little when I was a student

C#,SQL Server,Git Used in business

Technology and services used this time

Python I often hear it so I wanted to touch it

Django It seemed to be the most documented Python web framework

MySQL I was at a loss with PostgreSQL, but I chose MySQL that I have used

Bootstrap I didn't have the confidence to write CSS from scratch ...

Git Used when deploying because it is developed on multiple PCs

AWS EC2 AWS RDS AWS Route53 I feel that the word I've heard the most after getting a job is AWS ...

Let's Encrypt I heard that SSL certificates can be used easily

production period

0 ~ 1 month Investigate Django Development environment construction Implementation of membership registration, login, and logout functions 2-3 months Implementation of other functions Bootstrap research and introduction 4th month Build a production environment on a rental server → I don't know ... 5th month Build a production environment on AWS Landing page production Release

Services used after release

Google analytics Google Search Console

Try releasing the service

Time to write code: 5% Time to write design: 10% Time to build environment: 15% Time spent investigating and researching: 70%

The result was that most of the five months were spent on the survey. Most things have come to be understood (feeling) by examining them.

By building a server on AWS, I gained knowledge about network configuration. I got a basic knowledge about AWS services. I found out what it takes to publish a web service to the Internet.

Post-release issues

How to get users I want to collect about the domain fee even if it is within the AWS free frame SEO measures design


AtoP Please visit if you like!

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