When creating an authentication function with Sorcery, I install a submodule every time I add each function, but I stumbled at the beginning trying to proceed according to the official tutorial, so I will describe the solution.
Let's take the example of adding the User Activation function.
First, install the submodule
$ rails g sorcery:install user_activation --only-submodules
Then the following migration file will be created.
class SorceryUserActivation < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :users, :activation_state, :string, :default => nil
add_column :users, :activation_token, :string, :default => nil
add_column :users, :activation_token_expires_at, :datetime, :default => nil
add_index :users, :activation_token
And my great
$ rails db:migrate
An error occurred here!
rails aborted!
ArgumentError: To use user_activation submodule, you must define a mailer (config.user_activation_mailer = YourMailerClass).
The error message says "If you use this submodule, write a mailer!", But when I follow it, another error occurs and I can't proceed.
This problem occurs when you first type the command to add a submodule, and it is automatically added to the part that you should add later.
Rails.application.config.sorcery.submodules = [:user_activation, :Other submodules...]
If you proceed according to the tutorial, you will be instructed to add the above : user_activation
later, but if this is described now, you will not be able to proceed, so delete it once.
Rails.application.config.sorcery.submodules = [(:Other submodules)...]
Finally I can migrate.
$ rails db:migrate
After that, if you proceed according to the tutorial, there is an instruction to add : user_activation
, so add it there and solve it.