Feel free to encrypt the disk


There seems to be some people who are in trouble because they can look inside the used hard disk. If it is encrypted, it will not be logically peeked even if it is physically peeked.

Linux makes it very easy to encrypt a disk.


Encrypt using luks. Use cryptsetup as the command.

Encryption procedure

# cryptsetup luksFormat <device_name>

The contents of the device will disappear, but you will be asked if it is okay. Respond to YES in uppercase. You will then be asked for your passphrase. Enter the same passphrase twice as usual.

Open procedure

This is the step to gain access to encrypted devices.

# cryptsetup open <device_name> <mapped_name>

You will be asked for your passphrase. It maps to / dev / mapper / <mapped_name>.


Use the block device / dev / mapper / <mapped_name> as you like. mkfs or mount. If anything, also pvcreate.

Closing procedure

The opposite of open. If it is mounted, unmount it first.

# cryptsetup close <mapped_name>


If you're using unencrypted rootfs with a single partition, you can also use a file like swapfile. All you have to do is create an empty file with dd if = / dev / zero and cryptsetup luksFormat. I don't think SSD will reduce performance to the point of concern.

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