It's been about a month since I booked this day on the Advent calendar, and it's almost Christmas. Somehow, I feel that this year has passed more quickly than usual. This time, I can write Python to some extent, but for those who do not know what kind of implementation will be concretely done by machine learning, I will send this as a Christmas gift from me in an easy-to-understand manner. Since the theoretical part and the practical part are mixed, please pick up and eat only the part that you can understand. Maybe you can still get a feel for it. Please also refer to here for an intuitive picture of machine learning in the previous article.
The gradient method is one of the methods used for optimization. This gradient method is often used to find the weight $ W $ that gives the best output.
Specifically, previous The squared sum error shown
One of the methods to minimize is the gradient method, which uses differentiation to find the minimum value.
Let's start by implementing a one-dimensional derivative.
The differential $ f ^ {\ prime} (x) $ of the function $ f (x) $ of $ x $
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
def nu_dif(f, x):
h = 1e-4
return (f(x + h) - f(x))/(h)
def f(x):
return x ** 2
x = np.arange(0.0, 20.0, 0.1)
y = nu_dif(f, x)
This should plot the graph below $ y = f \ ^ {\ prime} (x) = 2x $. 
$ h $ is about $ 10 \ ^ {-4} $ to prevent rounding errors.
In the above numerical calculation, $$ f ^ {\ prime} (x) = \ lim_ {h → 0} \ frac {f (x + h) --f (x --h)} {2h} \ tag {4} $ Calculation like $ will improve the accuracy.
def nu_dif(f, x):
h = 1e-4
return (f(x + h) - f(x-h))/(2 * h)
Now that we have implemented the one-dimensional derivative, let's implement the multidimensional derivative. Here, for the sake of simplicity, we will differentiate in two dimensions. For a two-variable function $ f (x, y) $, the derivative of $ x, y $, that is, the partial derivative $ f_x, f_y
Now let's implement partial differentiation as well. $ f_x = 2x, f_y = 2y $.
def f(x, y):
return x ** 2 + y ** 2
def nu_dif_x(f, x, y):
h = 1e-4
return (f(x + h, y) - f(x - h, y))/(2 * h)
def nu_dif_y(f, x, y):
h = 1e-4
return (f(x, y + h) - f(x, y - h))/(2 * h)
The gradient operator (nabla) for the three-variable function $ f (x, y, z) $ in 3D Cartesian coordinates is
Thank you for your hard work. This completes all the math foundations needed to implement a simple gradient method. Now, let's implement a program that automatically finds the minimum value of the function. Arbitrary point Starting from $ \ boldsymbol {x} ^ {(0)} $ $$ \ boldsymbol {x} ^ {(k + 1)} = \ boldsymbol {x} ^ {(k)}-\ eta \ nabla It slides down to the point $ \ boldsymbol {x} ^ * $ which gives the minimum value according to f \ tag {8} $$. Here, $ \ eta $ is a hyperparameter that humans must specify in a quantity called the learning coefficient. $ \ eta $ must be adjusted appropriately so that it cannot be too large or too small. This time, the explanation about the learning coefficient is omitted.
Now, implement the gradient method and find the point $ \ boldsymbol {x} ^ * = (x ^ *, y ^ *) $ that gives the minimum value of $ f (x, y) = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 $. Let's do it. As you already know, if you get $ \ boldsymbol {x} ^ * = (0,0) $, you are successful.
#Returns the gradient of f
def numerical_gradient(f, x):
h = 1e-4
grad = np.zeros_like(x)
for i in range(x.size):
tmp = x[i]
x[i] = tmp + h
f1 = f(x)
x[i] = tmp - h
f2 = f(x)
grad[i] = (f1 - f2)/(2 * h)
x[i] = tmp
return grad
#Gradient method
def gradient_descent(f, x, lr = 0.02, step_num = 200):
for i in range(step_num):
grad = numerical_gradient(f, x)
x -= lr * grad
return x
#define f
def f(x):
return x[0] ** 2 + x[1] ** 2
#Output x
print(gradient_descent(f, np.array([10.0, 3.0])))
Result of $ \ boldsymbol {x} ^ {(0)} = (10,3), \ eta = 0.02, k = 0,1, \ ldots, 199 $ [ 0.00284608 0.00085382] Should be output. Since both $ x and y $ are about $ 10 ^ {-3} $, it can be said that they are almost $ 0 $.
The outline and utility of the gradient method have been explained above. In machine learning, the key is how to find the optimal weight $ \ boldsymbol {W} $. The optimal weight is the loss function $ \ boldsymbol {W} $ that minimizes $ L $. The gradient method can be used as one of the methods to obtain this. The weight $ \ boldsymbol {W} $ is, for example, a $ 2 \ times2 $ matrix
w_{11} & w_{12} \\
w_{21} & w_{22}
\end{array}\right) \tag{9}
For the loss function $ L $ given in
\nabla L \equiv \frac{\partial L}{\partial \boldsymbol {W}}\equiv\left(\begin{array}{cc}
\frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{11}} & \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{12}} \\
\frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{21}} & \frac{\partial L}{\partial w_{22}}
\end{array}\right) \tag{10}
Thank you for reading this far. This time, I started by implementing a simple one-dimensional derivative using Python and extended it to multiple dimensions. Then, I introduced the gradient operator Nabla and learned the gradient method to find the minimum value of an arbitrary function using it. And finally, I told you that the gradient method can be used to reduce the loss function, which means that machine learning is more accurate. However, while the weights thus obtained are often extrema, we also find that the problem is that the loss function is not minimized, or optimized. From the next time onward, I will try to approach this problem in another way.
This time, I was blessed with the opportunity to be introduced by a friend and post to this Chiba University Advent Calendar 2019. It was a little difficult because I summarized it from a fairly rudimentary part, but I was able to write longer than usual and feel a sense of fatigue and accomplishment. In addition to my posts, various people are posting wonderful posts on various topics at various levels, so please take a look.
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