[RUBY] I want to import the pull-down menu items when submitting a form in Rails into CSV and display them from the DB data.


It is a memorandum for CSV importing pull-down menu items when submitting a form in Rails and displaying them using DB data.


Reference URL

CSV import related https://qiita.com/Ryuta1346/items/c21cb70b9879c66c8639 https://qiita.com/SoarTec-lab/items/50e046ea2a2764c12c21 https://docs.ruby-lang.org/ja/latest/class/CSV.html https://qiita.com/3yatsu/items/416411c0a8f696dbf99e https://qiita.com/rllllho/items/672e336a03335cba6b34

Pull-down menu related https://qiita.com/HrsUed/items/56677d6c266d8a53ffa7 https://qiita.com/kawakami_shotaro/items/11a677bf34136cb7686d https://qiita.com/colorrabbit/items/b58888506e41d1370fd1 https://crieit.net/posts/Rails-collection-select https://qiita.com/_akira19/items/c218186983f444c2d794

Country code list CSV https://qiita.com/tao_s/items/3yy2b90a2751bfbdd585ea


  1. CSV import pull-down menu choices
  2. Display the selection items in the pull-down menu using the DB data

It is an image of appearance ↓ form1.png

The pull-down menu choices are displayed using the column information saved in the DB ↓ form2.png


I will explain CSV import and form pull-down separately.

1. CSV import pull-down menu choices

  1. Create Country model for saving country name list
  2. Add import process to db / seeds.rb
  3. Execute the import process with the rails command

The import process is performed using the CSV library of Ruby. This time, I imported the country name list from the following CSV. I added the created CSV file to the root directory.


number,Country / region name,ISO 3166-English name in 1,number,Three characters,Two letters,place,Each administrative division
1,Iceland,Iceland,352,ISL,IS,Northern Europe,ISO 3166-2:IS
2,Ireland,Ireland,372,IRL,IE,Western Europe,ISO 3166-2:IE

For CSV, I used Country Code List CSV.

1. Country model creation

I created the following model. The region column is not used this time.

attribute type
country_name string
region string
#Country modeling
$ rails g model Country country_name:string region:string

2. Add import process

The import process has been added to seeds.rb. There seems to be a separate file and How to execute with runner command.


require "csv"

#Specify the path to the CSV file as an absolute path
CSV.foreach("country.csv", headers: true) do |row|
    country_name: row["Country / region name"],
    region: row["place"]

3. Execute the import process

Perform a CSV import with the rails command. I also wrote other processing in the seed file, so this time I deleted everything in the DB and imported it again.

#This is all you need to import a CSV and save it to your DB
$ rails db:seed

#Erase the DB and reinsert everything
$ rails db:migrate:reset
$ rails db:seed

#Check if it was imported in the rails console
$ rails c
#Check the number of imported country names
> Country.count

2. Display the selection items in the pull-down menu using the DB data

Modify the View file of the form submission at the time of new posting.


#Before correction
<%= form_with model: @model_name do |f| %>
  <%= f.label :country %>
  <%= f.text_field :country %>

  <%= f.submit "Send" %>
<% end %>


<%= form_with model: @model_name do |f| %>
  <%= f.label :country %>
  <%= f.collection_select :country, Country.all, :id, :country_name, prompt: "Please select a country" %>

  <%= f.submit "Send" %>
<% end %>
# collection_select syntax
<%= f.collection_select <Column name of save destination>, <Array data for display>, <Column name of the value to save>,  <Column name for display>, <option> %>

Here The explanation about how to use collection_select is very easy to understand.


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