[RUBY] Let's use the pull-down (select box) -Select the posting destination-

Programming community where college students gather GeekSalon (https://bit.ly/2M64LXd) I'm Yoshida, a Nagoya mentor.

・ ** I want to select what to put in the column in the select box! ** ** ・ ** I want to be able to post to multiple pages as well as index! ** ** This is an article for those who say. Also ・ ** I want to jump to the selected destination immediately after pressing the post button! ** ** The selfish request is also listed as a solution as [application]. Please refer to it

First, let's attach a select box

Let's add a select box like this with form_with, form_for select selectbox

Please refer to this article (round throw) https://qiita.com/kawakami_shotaro/items/11a677bf34136cb7686d

Goal: Allows you to post on multiple pages

This time, we will implement a function that allows the user to select a posting destination from the three genres of "Japanese food, Western food, and Chinese food."

What to prepare

Let's prepare these two first

Let's open a command prompt and add a genre column to the tweets table. Cd to your product hierarchy

command prompt

rails g migration AddGenreToTweets genre:integer
rails db:migrate

Add column => make changes to database => migrate. This completes the column preparation (the reason why the save format is integer will be explained later).

Let's make 3 view pages with VS code. Name it appropriately as page1, page2, page3 (if you forget it, check the teaching materials!)

Main subject: Make it possible to post to multiple pages as well as index

Now let's write the code to implement it. The pull-down code on the post page looks like this


<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'new', :media => "all" %>

<div class="post-container">
    <p class="title">Post form</p>
    <%= form_for(@tweet, :url => { controller:'tweets', action:'create'})do |f| %>
    <%= f.label :Posted content%>
    <%= f.text_field :body,size: 140%>
-----Change from here-----
    <%= f.select :genre, [["Japanese food", 1], ["Western food", 2], ["Chinese", 3]], include_blank: "Please select" %>
-----So far------
    <div class="field">
      <%= f.label :Image selection%>
      <%= f.file_field :image %>
    <%= f.submit "Send" %>
    <% end %>

The display is Japanese food, but the actual column contains 1 (so I changed the save format to integer).

Next let's change the controller


    def page1
    @washokus = Tweet.where(genre: 1)
    def page2
    @yoshokus = Tweet.where(genre: 2)
    def page3
    @chukas = Tweet.where(genre: 3)
    def tweet_params

Let's look at them in order


    def page1
    @washokus = Tweet.where(genre: 1)

This "assigns only those with 1 in the genre column to @washokus" By using this @washokus in the view of page1, you can display only Japanese food posts.


    def tweet_params

Let's add genre to the strong parameter so that we can carry what we put in the genre column. It's easy to forget this

Next, let's set the routing


  get 'tweets/page1' => 'tweets#page1'
  get 'tweets/page2' => 'tweets#page2'
  get 'tweets/page3' => 'tweets#page3'

As an aside, when writing routing, be sure to write these codes above the code that handles ids. (Example: get'tweets /: id'=>'tweets # show', as:'tweet') This is to prevent an error from entering the url in the id

Finally, let's create a view page


<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'index', :media => "all" %>
<h1>Japanese food</h1>
<div class="tweets-container">
<% @washokus.each do |t| %>
    <div class="tweet">
      <%= link_to t.user.name, user_path(t.user.id) %>
      (♡<%= t.liked_users.count %>)
      <% if t.image.present? %>
        <%= image_tag t.image_url, :size => "500x300" %>
      <% end %>
      <div class="main-box">
        <div class="left-container"><%= t.body %></div>
        <div class=right-container>
          <%= link_to "Details", tweet_path(t.id) %>
          <% if current_user.id == t.user.id %>
            <%= link_to "Edit", edit_tweet_path(t.id) %>
            <%= link_to "Delete", tweet_path(t.id), method: :delete %>
          <% end %>
      <p class="time"><%= t.created_at %></p>
  <% end %>


<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'index', :media => "all" %>
<h1>Western food</h1>
<div class="tweets-container">
<% @yoshokus.each do |t| %>
    <div class="tweet">
      <%= link_to t.user.name, user_path(t.user.id) %>
      (♡<%= t.liked_users.count %>)
      <% if t.image.present? %>
        <%= image_tag t.image_url, :size => "500x300" %>
      <% end %>
      <div class="main-box">
        <div class="left-container"><%= t.body %></div>
        <div class=right-container>
          <%= link_to "Details", tweet_path(t.id) %>
          <% if current_user.id == t.user.id %>
            <%= link_to "Edit", edit_tweet_path(t.id) %>
            <%= link_to "Delete", tweet_path(t.id), method: :delete %>
          <% end %>
      <p class="time"><%= t.created_at %></p>
  <% end %>


<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'index', :media => "all" %>
<div class="tweets-container">
<% @chukas.each do |t| %>
    <div class="tweet">
      <%= link_to t.user.name, user_path(t.user.id) %>
      (♡<%= t.liked_users.count %>)
      <% if t.image.present? %>
        <%= image_tag t.image_url, :size => "500x300" %>
      <% end %>
      <div class="main-box">
        <div class="left-container"><%= t.body %></div>
        <div class=right-container>
          <%= link_to "Details", tweet_path(t.id) %>
          <% if current_user.id == t.user.id %>
            <%= link_to "Edit", edit_tweet_path(t.id) %>
            <%= link_to "Delete", tweet_path(t.id), method: :delete %>
          <% end %>
      <p class="time"><%= t.created_at %></p>
  <% end %>

After that, let's put a link in the index appropriately so that you can jump to these pages


<%= link_to 'Japanese food', :controller => "tweets", :action => "page1" %>
<%= link_to 'Western food', :controller => "tweets", :action => "page2" %>
<%= link_to 'Chinese', :controller => "tweets", :action => "page3" %>

That's all there is to it! Thank you for your hard work!

[Application] A function to jump to the select destination immediately after pressing the post button

The current tweets controller is a create action


   if @tweet.save
      redirect_to :action => "index"

Since it is, it will jump to the index after posting. Change this


    def create
        @tweet = Tweet.new(tweet_params)
        @tweet.user_id = current_user.id
        if @tweet.save and @tweet.genre == 1
            redirect_to :action => "page1"
        elsif @tweet.save and @tweet.genre == 2
            redirect_to :action => "page2"
        elsif @tweet.save and @tweet.genre == 3
            redirect_to :action => "page3"
            redirect_to :action => "index"

A and B refers to the condition "A and B". In other words, in this case, if the condition "" @ tweet is saved "and" the genre column matches 1 "" is satisfied, the page1 action is executed, and as a result, it jumps to page1 as it is.

If you do not select anything in the select box or if saving fails, you will jump to index.

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