Hello. Recently, I'm addicted to Processing as a hobby (planned) There are "Control P5" and "Fisica" as Processing original libraries. I would like to explain what it can be used for, including notes, using what I actually made as an example.
Search from "Sketch"-> "Import Library .."-> "Add Library ..".
Then write the following at the beginning of the code.
import controlP5.*;
import fisica.*;
Now you can use the modules of either library.
setup() ControlP5 In a nutshell, it's a __ library that makes it easy to create __GUI controllers.
Accordion, Background, Bang, Button, ButtonBar, Chart, CheckBox, ColorPicker, ColorWheel, ControlGroup, Controller, ControllerGroup, DropdownList, FrameRate, Group, Icon, Knob, ListBox, Matrix, MultiList, MultiListButton, Numberbox, Radio, RadioButton, Range , ScrollableList, Slider, Slider2D, Spacer, Tab, Textarea, Textfield, Textlabel, Toggle Reference
You can see that there are various things.
ControlP5 slider;
ControlP5 button;
ControlP5 toggle;
int sliderValue;
void setup(){
int r = color(255,0,0);
slider = new ControlP5(this);
slider.addSlider("sliderValue") //Add slider
.setRange(2,180) //Range of values
.setValue(25) //Initial value of value
.setPosition(50,40) //Slider coordinates
.setColorValue(r) //Caption label color
.setSize(300,20); //Slider size
// Display the current value of the slider
.align(ControlP5.RIGHT, ControlP5.BOTTOM_OUTSIDE)
button = new ControlP5(this);
button.addButton("drop_circle") //Function to execute
.setLabel("Drop") //Text to display
.setPosition(25, 400)
//Toggle switch
toggle = new ControlP5(this);
.setLabel("") //If you do not describe it, the ID name will be given.
.setMode(ControlP5.SWITCH) //Switch design
I referred to @ akspect's article. I think it's more comprehensive about instant methods.
Fisica In a word, this is also __physics simulation library __. A wide lineup from spheres to polygons.
FWorld world;
FBox box, slope;
FCircle ball;
void setup(){
Fisica.init(this); //Initialize(Magic
world = new FWorld(); //I will add objects to this(Magic
box = new FBox(100,40);
box.setStatic(true); //Make an object stationary
world.add(box); //add to
slope = new FBox(500,2);
slope.setPosition(width*2/3, height*2/5);
slope.setRotation(-PI/5); //Angle setting
That's all for setup ().
void draw(){
ball = new FCircle(sliderValue);
ball.setNoStroke(); //No contour
ball.setPosition(width*3/4, -sliderValue/2);
ball.setFill(120, 200, random(255));
ball.setRestitution(0.6); //Setting the coefficient of restitution
Since the value of sliderValue changes depending on the slider, the background also changes from black to white. At the same time, the size of the generated ball depends on the value of sliderValue. It's a snake, but if you set setRestitution to 1 or higher, the object will continue to jump. The last two lines are magic.
void drop_circle(){
void appear_slope(boolean value){
if (value == true){
} else{
The last is the function executed by the button and toggle switch. One caveat is that you shouldn't put a boolean type in .addToggle (). I did it and even more
void draw(){
if (toggleValue == true){
}else {
However, because the draw () function loops infinitely, it creates an infinite slope and repeats processing omissions.
How was that? Since I have just learned, I think there were some points that were difficult to understand, but I hope that you can add some glamor to your creative coding life. We look forward to your questions, complaints and chats.
Twitter account: @ A9qoxC
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