Connect to wifi access point using Tello Edu as a slave unit [python]

1 Start Tello and connect your PC to Tello

At this stage, it is Tello (master unit) and PC (slave unit).

2 Run the program and connect Tello to wifi

import socket

tello_ip = ''
tello_port = 8889

socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
tello_address = (tello_ip , tello_port)

socket.sendto('ap SSID PASSWORD'.encode('utf-8'),tello_address)

Change the SSID and PASSWORD to those of the wifi to connect to.

Then Tello goes into slave mode and connects to the SSID wifi. Once set, the settings will be saved and will automatically connect to wifi the next time Tello starts.

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