I had some free time, so I re-inserted fedora31 into the laptop (dynabook T3 / 68JW) that I used before and had a cracked screen.
When I bought a computer, I first removed the OS that was included and installed Linux, but for some reason this laptop did not boot, and I removed it from another Dell laptop hard disk. I was reattaching.
I also downloaded the Fedora31 desktop on my separate 17-inch laptop, burned it with brasero to create a LiveDVD, inserted it into this dynabook, and installed Fedora.
The memory is not so much at 8G (the 17-inch laptop I usually use is 32G), but I think it is good for effective use of resources.
First, execute the dnf update command to update the packages. And I tried to watch the video, but it doesn't work with a firefox error.
What's wrong with this? Try disabling wayland in /etc/gdm/custom.conf or even put in a flash.
So, on a well-viewed 17-inch laptop, if you do yum list | grep fusion, it seems that mplayer is installed.
I ran the following command to enable the rpm-fusion repository.
(reference) https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/setup_rpmfusion/
$ sudo dnf install \
https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
Then I ran the following command:
$ sudo dnf install mplayer
After installing mplayer, you can watch the video on Fedora31.
Here, I tried to display the installed packages other than feodora and anaconda.
$ less yum_list_installed | grep -v anaconda|grep -v fedora | grep -v updates
Installed packages
adobe-release-x86_64.noarch 1.0-1 @System
librtmp.x86_64 2.4-15.20190330.gitc5f04a5.fc31 @rpmfusion-free
mplayer.x86_64 1.4-3.fc31 @rpmfusion-free
mplayer-common.x86_64 1.4-3.fc31 @rpmfusion-free
opencore-amr.x86_64 0.1.5-8.fc31 @rpmfusion-free
rpmfusion-free-release.noarch 31-1 @@commandline
rpmfusion-nonfree-release.noarch 31-1 @@commandline
vo-amrwbenc.x86_64 0.1.3-10.fc31 @rpmfusion-free
x264-libs.x86_64 0.157-12.20190717git34c06d1.fc31 @rpmfusion-free
x265-libs.x86_64 3.1.2-2.fc31 @rpmfusion-free
xvidcore.x86_64 1.3.5-6.fc31 @rpmfusion-free
Oh, it seems that I also installed a non-free repository.
Anyway, I'm glad I can watch the video.
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