[JAVA] Write rich text in Clojure


The momentum for writing some kind of GUI application is increasing within me, and when I was looking for material for studying, I had the following Swing app tutorial written 10 years ago, so I decided to port it to Clojure.


How to use

There are no external dependent libraries, so write the following code in a file and load-file from the REPL to get it working.

(load-file "path/to/file.clj")


(ns advent.rich-text
  (:import [java.awt BorderLayout Color Dimension FlowLayout GraphicsEnvironment]
           [javax.swing DefaultComboBoxModel JComboBox JFrame JMenu JMenuBar JMenuItem JScrollPane JTextPane JToggleButton JToolBar]
           [javax.swing.text BadLocationException DefaultStyledDocument SimpleAttributeSet StyleConstants StyleContext]
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]))

(definterface IStateHolder
  (getStateMap [])
  (swapStateMap [update-fn]))

;; anctionPerformed handlers
(defmulti handle-action (fn [_ cmd](.getActionCommand cmd)))

(defn set-attribute-set [document text-pane attr]
  (let [start (.getSelectionStart text-pane)
        end (.getSelectionEnd text-pane)]
    (.setCharacterAttributes document start (- end start) attr false)))

(defmethod handle-action "combo-fonts"
  [this e]
  (let [{:keys [combo-fonts text-pane document] :as state}
        (.getStateMap this)
        attr (SimpleAttributeSet.)
        font-name (-> combo-fonts .getSelectedItem .toString)]
    (StyleConstants/setFontFamily attr font-name)
    (set-attribute-set document text-pane attr)
    (.requestFocusInWindow text-pane)))

(defmethod handle-action "combo-sizes"
  [this e]
  (let [{:keys [combo-sizes text-pane document]} (.getStateMap this)
        attr (SimpleAttributeSet.)
        font-size (-> combo-sizes .getSelectedItem Integer/parseInt)]
    (StyleConstants/setFontSize attr font-size)
    (set-attribute-set document text-pane attr)
    (.requestFocusInWindow text-pane)))

(def colors ["000000" "0000FF" "00FF00" "00FFFF" "FF0000" "FF00FF" "FFFF00" "FFFFFF"])
(defmethod handle-action "combo-color"
  [this e]
  (let [{:keys [combo-color text-pane document]} (.getStateMap this)
        attr (SimpleAttributeSet.)
        color (get colors (.getSelectedIndex combo-color))
        b (Integer/parseInt (.substring color 4 6) 16)
        g (Integer/parseInt (.substring color 2 4) 16)
        r (Integer/parseInt (.substring color 0 2) 16)]
    (StyleConstants/setForeground attr (Color. r g b))
    (set-attribute-set document text-pane attr)
    (.requestFocusInWindow text-pane)))

(defmethod handle-action "toggle-bold"
  [this e]
  (let [{:keys [toggle-bold text-pane document]} (.getStateMap this)
        attr (SimpleAttributeSet.)]
    (StyleConstants/setBold attr (.isSelected toggle-bold))
    (set-attribute-set document text-pane attr)
    (.requestFocusInWindow text-pane)))

(defmethod handle-action "toggle-italics"
  [this e]
  (let [{:keys [toggle-italics text-pane document]} (.getStateMap this)
        attr (SimpleAttributeSet.)]
    (StyleConstants/setItalic attr (.isSelected toggle-italics))
    (set-attribute-set document text-pane attr)
    (.requestFocusInWindow text-pane)))

(defmethod handle-action "toggle-underline"
  [this e]
  (let [{:keys [toggle-underline text-pane document]} (.getStateMap this)
        attr (SimpleAttributeSet.)]
    (StyleConstants/setUnderline attr (.isSelected toggle-underline))
    (set-attribute-set document text-pane attr)
    (.requestFocusInWindow text-pane)))

(defmethod handle-action "toggle-strike"
  [this e]
  (let [{:keys [toggle-strike text-pane document]} (.getStateMap this)
        attr (SimpleAttributeSet.)]
    (StyleConstants/setStrikeThrough attr (.isSelected toggle-strike))
    (set-attribute-set document text-pane attr)
    (.requestFocusInWindow text-pane)))

(defn init-document [doc sc]
  (let [sb (str "Merry Christmas, world!\n"
                "Merry Christmas, world!\n"
                "Merry Christmas, world!\n"
                "Merry Christmas, world!\n"
                "Merry Christmas, world!\n"
                "Merry Christmas, world!\n"
                "Merry Christmas, world!\n")]
    (try (.insertString doc 0 sb (.getStyle sc StyleContext/DEFAULT_STYLE))
         (catch BadLocationException ble
           (prn "Failed to read the initial document.")))))

(defn init-toolbar [jframe tool-bar]
  (let [ge (GraphicsEnvironment/getLocalGraphicsEnvironment)
        family-name (.getAvailableFontFamilyNames ge)
        combo-fonts (JComboBox. family-name)
        combo-sizes (JComboBox. (into-array ["8" "9" "10" "11" "12" "14" "16" "18" "20" "22"
                                             "24" "26" "28" "36" "48" "60" "72" "84" "96"]))
        toggle-bold (JToggleButton. "<html><b>B</b></html>")
        toggle-italics (JToggleButton. "<html><i>I</i></html>")
        toggle-underline (JToggleButton. "<html><u>U</u></html>")
        toggle-strike (JToggleButton. "<html><s>S</s></html>")
        color-model (DefaultComboBoxModel.)
        combo-color (JComboBox. color-model)]
    (doto combo-fonts
      (.setMaximumSize (.getPreferredSize combo-fonts))
      (.addActionListener jframe)
      (.setActionCommand "combo-fonts"))
    (doto combo-sizes
      (.setMaximumSize (.getPreferredSize combo-sizes))
      (.addActionListener jframe)
      (.setActionCommand "combo-sizes"))
    (doto toggle-bold
      (.setPreferredSize (Dimension. 26 26))
      (.addActionListener jframe)
      (.setActionCommand "toggle-bold"))
    (doto toggle-italics
      (.setPreferredSize (Dimension. 26 26))
      (.addActionListener jframe)
      (.setActionCommand "toggle-italics"))
    (doto toggle-underline
      (.setPreferredSize (Dimension. 26 26))
      (.addActionListener jframe)
      (.setActionCommand "toggle-underline"))
    (doto toggle-strike
      (.setPreferredSize (Dimension. 26 26))
      (.addActionListener jframe)
      (.setActionCommand "toggle-strike"))
    (doseq [color colors
            :let [html (str "<html><font color=\"#" color "\">■</font></html>")]]
      (.addElement color-model html))
    (doto combo-color
      (.setMaximumSize (.getPreferredSize combo-color))
      (.addActionListener jframe)
      (.setActionCommand "combo-color"))
    (doto tool-bar
      (.setLayout (FlowLayout. FlowLayout/LEFT))
      (.add combo-fonts)
      (.add combo-sizes)
      (.add toggle-bold)
      (.add toggle-italics)
      (.add toggle-underline)
      (.add toggle-strike)
      (.add combo-color))
    {:combo-fonts combo-fonts
     :combo-sizes combo-sizes
     :combo-color combo-color
     :toggle-bold toggle-bold
     :toggle-italics toggle-italics
     :toggle-strike toggle-strike
     :toggle-underline toggle-underline}))

(defn create-jframe-proxy []
  (let [is-caret-update-atom (atom false)
        state (atom {})]
    (proxy [JFrame ActionListener IStateHolder] []
      (actionPerformed [e]
        (when-not @is-caret-update-atom
          (handle-action this e)))
      (getStateMap [] @state)
      (swapStateMap [update-fn]
        (swap! state update-fn)))))

(defn constructor []
  (let [jframe (doto (create-jframe-proxy)
                 (.setTitle "TextPaneTest test")
                 (.setBounds 10 10 500 300))
        text-pane (JTextPane.)
        scroll-pane (JScrollPane. text-pane
        sc (StyleContext.)
        doc (DefaultStyledDocument. )
        tool-bar (JToolBar.)
        tool-bar-components (init-toolbar jframe tool-bar)]
    (->  jframe
         (.add scroll-pane BorderLayout/CENTER))
    (doto text-pane
      (.setDocument doc))
    (init-document doc sc)
    (->  jframe
         (.add tool-bar BorderLayout/NORTH))
    (.swapStateMap jframe #(merge % {:text-pane text-pane
                                     :scroll-pane scroll-pane
                                     :style-context sc
                                     :document doc
                                     :tool-bar tool-bar}

;;; Start the editor
(doto (constructor)
  (.setVisible true)
  (.setSize 800 400))



--It is charming that the toggle button state remains (In the Java example, there was logic to update according to the movement of Caret, but there is not enough time) --In the Java example, reading and writing files was also mentioned, but in addition to the above, it is an issue for the reader (

Impressions of implementation

--In order to receive the event, I needed an instance of JFrame that implements the ActionListener interface, so I realized it using proxy. --If you write event dispatch in multiple methods, you can write it very neatly. --In the Java example, instance variables were used to get information from parts such as toggle buttons, but in Clojure's example, instead, an atom is created in the lexical closure of the proxy, and that atom is created via the oleore interface called IStateHolder. Changed to operate on. ――It was fun to be able to dynamically change the function and change the behavior without restarting JFrame.


--Java backward compatibility that can use the example from 10 years ago as it is Great --Clojure is amazing because it can be used as it is in the Java type system. --GUI app fun


Thanks to @ayato_p for politely explaining how to use proxy!

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