--When you create an image with the iPhone camera, the orientation of the image is saved in EXIF orientation. --EXIF can be confirmed with imagemagic's ʻidentify` command.
$ identify -verbose IMG_1046.png | grep Orient
Orientation: TopLeft
--EXIF needs to be considered when resizing the image. --I use a library because it is difficult to implement by myself.
dependencies {
implementation "com.sksamuel.scrimage:scrimage-core:4.0.4"
object ImageResizer {
enum class ImageFormat {
companion object {
fun fromName(formatName: String): ImageFormat? {
return when (formatName) {
"jpg", "jpeg" -> JPEG
"png" -> PNG
else -> null
*Long side[size]And resize
*The long side is[size]If it is smaller than, do not resize
fun resize(inputStream: InputStream, size: Int, formatName: String): File {
//Read the original file
val original = ImmutableImage.loader().fromStream(inputStream)
val originalWidth = original.width.toDouble()
val originalHeight = original.height.toDouble()
if (originalWidth <= size && originalHeight <= size) {
//If the long side is smaller than size, do not resize
return createImageTempFile(original, formatName)
val resizedWidth: Double
val resizedHeight: Double
if (originalWidth > originalHeight) {
resizedWidth = size.toDouble()
resizedHeight = size * originalHeight / originalWidth
} else {
resizedHeight = size.toDouble()
resizedWidth = size * originalWidth / originalHeight
val resized = original.fit(resizedWidth.roundToInt(), resizedHeight.roundToInt())
return createImageTempFile(resized, formatName)
private fun createImageTempFile(image: ImmutableImage, formatName: String): File {
val format = ImageFormat.fromName(formatName)
?: throw BadRequestException("The image format $formatName is not supported ")
val outFile = createTempFile(suffix = ".$formatName")
when (format) {
ImageFormat.JPEG -> image.output(JpegWriter(), outFile)
ImageFormat.PNG -> image.output(PngWriter(), outFile)
return outFile
This will create a resized image with the correct orientation (EXIF orientation will be lost from the resized image)
--Thumbnailator is famous as a Java thumbnail creation library, but it didn't seem to consider EXIF orientation. - https://github.com/coobird/thumbnailator/issues/108
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