sonota88/libreoffice-jruby-sample (tag: 20210102)
I wrote before ↓ This is an update and an operation report saying "It worked even at the beginning of 2021". Sample reading and writing LibreOffice Calc fods files in JRuby 2019
--Upgrade of JRuby
- →
--Addition of functions: Sheet # used_row_index_max
, Sheet # used_column_index_max
--Get the maximum index of rows / columns in the range you are using
--Changed to terminate using XDesktop.terminate ()
--Add sample files to repository
--Docker compatible
--Other minor changes, refactoring, etc.
I tried to support Docker. Based on Ubuntu 18.04.
If you make it Docker, you can see the necessary packages such as libreoffice-dev
and JRE by looking at the Dockerfile, which is good.
#Build image
docker build -t my:libo-jruby .
#Run sample
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/root/work" my:libo-jruby \
bash dump.rb sample.fods Sheet1
-Sample 2021 reading and writing LibreOffice Calc fods files in Java -I tried to automate LibreOffice Calc with Ruby + PyCall.rb (Ubuntu 18.04) -Create a Docker image with LibreOffice Calc and run it headless
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