I've been playing around with the back end and front end, but I haven't tried machine learning yet. This is my first attempt, so I will record it as a memorial. I'm using python, numpy, tf.keras.
My spec
To study the theory of machine learning collectively, "Deep Learning from scratch-Theory and implementation of deep learning learned with Python I read "dp / 4873117585 /)". It was a very good book.
The development environment is PyCharm Community 2019.3. I use PyCharm by loading the necessary libraries without using Anaconda.
We aim to machine learn the following correct logic.
I made a typical code for a binary classification problem while looking at some Web articles. I thought it was quite compact and intuitive to write. Keras is amazing.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from tensorflow_core.python.keras.metrics import binary_accuracy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Data set preparation
ds_features = np.random.rand(10000, 2) #Feature data
ds_noise = (np.random.rand(10000) > NOISE_RATE).astype(np.int) * 2 - 1 #No noise: 1,Yes: -1
ds_labels = (np.sign(ds_features[:, 0] - ds_features[:, 1]) * ds_noise + 1) / 2 #Correct label
#Split dataset for training and validation
SPLIT_RATE = 0.8 #Split ratio
training_features, validation_features = np.split(ds_features, [int(len(ds_features) * SPLIT_RATE)])
training_labels, validation_labels = np.split(ds_labels, [int(len(ds_labels) * SPLIT_RATE)])
#Model preparation
INPUT_FEATURES = ds_features.shape[1] #Feature dimension
LAYER1_NEURONS = int(INPUT_FEATURES * 1.2 + 1) #A little wider than the input dimension
LAYER3_NEURONS = LAYER1_NEURONS #3 hidden layers
OUTPUT_RESULTS = 1 #Output is one-dimensional
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Dense(input_shape=(INPUT_FEATURES,), units=LAYER1_NEURONS, activation=ACTIVATION),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=LAYER2_NEURONS, activation=ACTIVATION),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=LAYER3_NEURONS, activation=ACTIVATION),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=OUTPUT_RESULTS, activation='sigmoid'),
LOSS = 'binary_crossentropy'
OPTIMIZER = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam #Typical optimization method
LEARNING_RATE = 0.03 #Common initial values of learning coefficient
model.compile(optimizer=OPTIMIZER(lr=LEARNING_RATE), loss=LOSS, metrics=[binary_accuracy])
EPOCHS = 100
result = model.fit(x=training_features, y=training_labels,
validation_data=(validation_features, validation_labels),
batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, epochs=EPOCHS, verbose=1)
plt.plot(range(1, EPOCHS+1), result.history['binary_accuracy'], label="training")
plt.plot(range(1, EPOCHS+1), result.history['val_binary_accuracy'], label="validation")
plt.ylim(0.5, 1)
This is the learning result. It quickly reached an accuracy of about 99%, and it seems that it has not overfitted.
I tried setting NOISE_RATE = 0.2. The accuracy is reduced by the amount of noise, but the result is appropriate.
Let's return the noise and increase the features to 5 types. Find the correct label with the same logic using only 2 of the 5 types. In other words, the remaining 3 types of features are dummies that have nothing to do with the correct answer.
The result is here, and although the blur width is a little larger, it can be said that you can learn without being deceived by the dummy.
I will return the features to 2 types, but I tried to multiply the random value of 0 or more and less than 1 by 1000. The result is that learning does not seem to converge uniformly and is less accurate near the final epoch.
I increased the epoch and checked it. After all learning seems to be unstable.
On the other hand, I shifted the average of the features and tried to increase the random value of 0 or more and less than 1 by +1000. The results show that the accuracy is almost 0.5, that is, it is not trained at all as a binary classification.
Overall, we can see that feature normalization is important.
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