Implementation example of simple LISP processing system (Ruby version)

[Link article to other language version] Implementation example of simple LISP processing system [Summary of each language version]

This article is an implementation example of a simple LISP processing system ("McCarthy's Original Lisp") using an excerpt / modification of the Ruby version of the following my article. It is a summary.

In the case of implementing a LISP processing system with the minimum functions, it is very easy to implement the eval, which is the main body, but rather, S-expression input / output and list processing implementation that perform lexical / parsing are developed. It is summarized for those who have a lot of trouble for each language and it is a threshold.

Overview of processing system

The execution example is as follows. Confirmed with Ruby 2.5.5.

$ irb --simple-prompt
>> load "jmclisp.rb"
=> true
>> s_rep("(car (cdr '(10 20 30)))")
=> "20"
>> s_rep(gets.chomp)
((lambda (x) (car (cdr x))) '(abc def ghi))
=> "def"
>> s_rep("((lambda (f x y) (f x (f y '()))) 'cons '10 '20)")
=> "(10 20)"
>> s_rep("((lambda (f x y) (f x (f y '())))
          '(lambda (x y) (cons x (cons y '())))
          '10 '20)")
=> "(10 (20 ()))"
>> s_rep("((lambda (assoc k v) (assoc k v))
          '(lambda (k v)
             (cond ((eq v '()) nil)
                   ((eq (car (car v)) k)
                    (car v))
                   ('t (assoc k (cdr v)))))
          '((Apple . 120) (Orange . 210) (Lemmon . 180)))")
=> "(Orange . 210)"

The implementation contents are as follows.

For more information on "McCarthy's Original Lisp", see Summary Article. Since it is a dynamic scope, lambda expressions are used instead of letrec (Scheme) and labels (Common Lisp) in the execution example.

Implementation example

Complete source code


#### JMC Lisp: defined in McCarthy's 1960 paper,
#### with S-expression input/output and basic list processing

#### basic list processing: cons, car, cdr, eq, atom
def cons(x, y) [x, y].freeze end
def car(s) s[0] end
def cdr(s) s[1] end
def eq(s1, s2) s1 == s2 end
def atom(s) s.is_a?(String) || eq(s, nil) || eq(s, true) || eq(s, false) end

#### S-expression input: s_read

def s_lex(s)
  for p in ['(',')','\''] do
    s = s.gsub(p, " #{p} ")

def s_syn(s)
  def quote(x, s)
    if s.length != 0 && s[-1] == '\'' then
      cons("quote", cons(x, nil))
    else x
  t = s.delete_at(-1)
  if t == ')' then
    r = nil
    while s[-1] != '(' do
      if s[-1] == '.' then
        r = cons(s_syn(s), car(r))
        r = cons(s_syn(s), r)
    quote(r, s)
    quote(t, s)

def s_read(s) s_syn(s_lex(s)) end

#### S-expression output: s_string

def s_strcons(s)
  sa_r = s_string(car(s))
  sd = cdr(s)
  if eq(sd, nil) then sa_r
  elsif atom(sd) then "#{sa_r} . #{sd}"
  else "#{sa_r} #{s_strcons(sd)}"

def s_string(s)
  if    eq(s, nil)   then "()"
  elsif eq(s, true)  then "t"
  elsif eq(s, false) then "nil"
  elsif atom(s) then s
  else "(#{s_strcons(s)})"

#### JMC Lisp evaluator: s_eval

def caar(x) car(car(x)) end
def cadr(x) car(cdr(x)) end
def cadar(x) car(cdr(car(x))) end
def caddr(x) car(cdr(cdr(x))) end
def caddar(x) car(cdr(cdr(car(x)))) end

def s_null(x) eq(x, nil) end

def s_append(x, y)
  if s_null(x) then y
  else cons(car(x), s_append(cdr(x), y))

def s_list(x, y) cons(x, cons(y, nil)) end

def s_pair(x, y)
  if s_null(x) and s_null(y) then nil
  elsif (not atom(x)) and (not atom(y))
    cons(s_list(car(x), car(y)), s_pair(cdr(x), cdr(y)))
  else nil

def s_assoc(x, y)
  if eq(caar(y), x) then cadar(y)
  else s_assoc(x, cdr(y))

def s_eval(e, a)
  if    eq(e, "t")   then true
  elsif eq(e, "nil") then false
  elsif atom(e) then s_assoc(e, a)
  elsif atom(car(e))
    if    eq(car(e), "quote") then cadr(e)
    elsif eq(car(e), "atom")  then atom(s_eval(cadr(e), a))
    elsif eq(car(e), "eq")    then eq(  s_eval(cadr(e), a), s_eval(caddr(e), a))
    elsif eq(car(e), "car")   then car( s_eval(cadr(e), a))
    elsif eq(car(e), "cdr")   then cdr( s_eval(cadr(e), a))
    elsif eq(car(e), "cons")  then cons(s_eval(cadr(e), a), s_eval(caddr(e), a))
    elsif eq(car(e), "cond")  then evcon(cdr(e), a)
    else s_eval(cons(s_assoc(car(e), a), cdr(e)), a)
  elsif eq(caar(e), "lambda")
    s_eval(caddar(e), s_append(s_pair(cadar(e), evlis(cdr(e), a)), a))
  else print("Error")

def evcon(c, a)
  if s_eval(caar(c), a) then s_eval(cadar(c), a)
  else evcon(cdr(c), a)

def evlis(m, a)
  if s_null(m) then nil
  else cons(s_eval(car(m), a), evlis(cdr(m), a))

#### REP (no Loop): s_rep
def s_rep(e) s_string(s_eval(s_read(e), s_read("()"))) end



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