[RUBY] How to compare only the time with Rails (from what time to what time, something like)

Background of the problem

How do you write something like that, which is open late at night and increases by 15% from 23:00 to 5:00 the next day? The story. I want to make a good judgment on the condition of "23:00 to 5:00 the next day".


If you try to compare by Time type, it is troublesome to enter the date information, so you can compare after digitizing only the time part with strftime and to_i.

def late_time?(time)
  num = time.strftime('%H%M').to_i
  [*0..459, *2300..2359].include?(num)

target_time = Time.zone.parse('2020/9/1 23:00')
p late_time?(target_time) #=> true

target_time = Time.zone.parse('2020/9/2 0:00')
p late_time?(target_time) #=> true

target_time = Time.zone.parse('2020/9/2 4:59')
p late_time?(target_time) #=> true

target_time = Time.zone.parse('2020/9/2 5:00')
p late_time?(target_time) #=> false

target_time = Time.zone.parse('2020/9/2 6:00')
p late_time?(target_time) #=> false

target_time = Time.zone.parse('2020/9/2 22:59')
p late_time?(target_time) #=> false

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