Run background job in fabric

After building the server, I wanted to start and stop the application for confirmation, cut out the log at that time and collect it, but I got stuck a little, so make a note.

Since a pseudo terminal is created every time run () is called, the process ends when run () is exited by simply executing it in the background by a method such as "[command] &". It ends up. When I ran it as a daemon with "nohup" or "disdown" and set pty = False so that fabric run () did not create a pseudo terminal, it worked as expected.

Below is a sample.

fab test_tail_logfile -H localhost -u xxxxx -p xxxxx --port 2222

from fabric.api import run, get, quiet

def kill_background_job(command):
    with quiet():
        run(u"pkill -f '%s'" % command)

def background_run(command, stdout):
    run(u"nohup %s > %s 2>&1 &" % (command, stdout), pty=False)

def test_tail_logfile():
Execute other processing while tailing the log in the background,
Sample to stop tail and collect logs after processing
    #Create a log file for testing
    run(u"echo '**********************' > work.log")

    #Log tail start
    background_run(u"tail -f work.log", u"out.log")

    #Try to write something in the log
    run("echo 'piyo piyo' >> work.log")
    run("echo 'hoge' >> work.log")

    #Stop tail
    kill_background_job(u"tail -f work.log")

    #Check if you can log
    run(u"cat %s" % u"out.log")
    #Collect logs
    get(r"out.log", u".\\log\\out.log")

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