Solving with Ruby AtCoder 1st Algorithm Practical Test A Exception Handling


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This theme, exception handling

If you are faithful to the basics, you will answer with regular expression, but I would like to answer with exception handling to better understand *** Ruby ***.

Ruby regular expression

Pattern if all three letters are numbers


s = gets.chomp
puts (/[0-9]{3}/ === s ? s.to_i * 2 : 'error')

s = gets.chomp
puts (s.match(/[0-9]{3}/) ? s.to_i * 2 : 'error')

Pattern if even one character is lowercase


s = gets.chomp
puts (/[a-z]/ === s ? 'error' : s.to_i * 2)

s = gets.chomp
puts (s.match(/[a-z]/) ? 'error' : s.to_i * 2)

Pattern if even one letter is other than a number


s = gets.chomp
puts (/[^0-9]/ === s ? 'error' : s.to_i * 2)

s = gets.chomp
puts (s.match(/[^0-9]/) ? 'error' : s.to_i * 2)

Ruby to_i (WA) Pattern with to_i applied directly


s = 'abc'
puts s.to_i # => 0
s = '42A'
puts s.to_i # => 42

Ruby Rational (AC) Pattern with Rational applied


s = gets.chomp
  puts 'error'
  puts s.to_i * 2

The control structure for exception handling is as follows.


  #Processing that may cause an exception
[rescue [error_type,..] [=> evar] [then]
  #What to do when an exception occurs
  #Processing when an exception does not occur]
  #Processing executed regardless of exceptions]

begin ʻelse ʻensure is optional.

Although it is Rational that is not usually used, it is a class that handles rational numbers such as" 1/3 ". to_r interprets the first number, but Rational seems to raise an exception well.


puts '0x8'.to_r     # => 0/1
puts Integer('0x8') # => 8
puts Float('0x8')   # => 8.0
puts Complex('0x8') # => ArgumentError
puts Complex('08i') # => 0+8i

Complex is a class that handles complex numbers, and although an exception occurs in 0x8, strings containing ʻi` may be bypassed.

Is it painful to use to_i for standard output, or I think it's better to use regular expressions as usual.


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