Get the book information from the O'Reilly Japan website, Let's classify books by non-hierarchical clustering from the acquired information. The procedure is as follows. ・ Access the detailed information of the book from the top page of the Web, Get the text of this introduction in a list ・ For each book, the text of this introduction is decomposed into word levels and each word is weighted. ・ Based on the above information, classify books by clustering. The language uses Python.
import numpy as np
import mechanize
import MeCab
import util
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.cluster import AffinityPropagation
# get O'Reilly new books from Top page
page = mechanize.Browser()'')
response = page.response()
soup = BeautifulSoup(, "html.parser")
allBookLinks = []
bibloLinks = soup.find_all("p", class_="biblio_link")
for bibloLink in bibloLinks:
books = bibloLink.find_all("a", href=re.compile(""))
for book in books:
allBookLinks.append( book.get("href") )
def get_detail_sentence_list( detailPageLink ): detailPageLink )
detailResponse = page.response()
detailSoup = BeautifulSoup(, "html.parser" )
# get title
titleTag = detailSoup.find("h3", class_="title")
title = titleTag.get_text().encode('utf-8')
# get detail
detailDiv = detailSoup.find("div", id="detail")
detail = detailDiv.find("p").get_text().encode('utf-8')
# get relation book links
relationLinks = detailDiv.find_all("a")
relationLinkList = []
for relationLink in relationLinks:
href = relationLink.get("href")
if href.find('/books/') > 0:
relationLinkList.append(href[href.find('/books/') + len('/books/'):])
return [ title, detail, relationLinkList ]
# crolling books info
titleList = []
inputDatas = []
for bookLink in allBookLinks:
title, detail, relationLinkList = get_detail_sentence_list( bookLink )
# save
if not (title in titleList):
inputDatas.append( detail )
# go to relation book links
for relationLink in relationLinkList:
title, detail, relationLinkList = get_detail_sentence_list( '' + relationLink )
# save
if not (title in titleList):
inputDatas.append( detail )
The contents of X using TfidfVectorizer are ・ Len (X) = number of books searched ・ Len (X [0]) = number of words in the introductory text of the book -X [0] [0] = 0 TF-IDF value of the 0th word (word stored in terms [0]) of the 0th book A procession like that. You can calculate TF-IDF with logic, but it's easier to use this library.
def get_word_list( targetText ):
tagger = MeCab.Tagger()
wordList = []
if len(targetText) > 0:
node = tagger.parseToNode(targetText)
while node:
if len(util.mytrim(node.surface)) > 0:
node =
return wordList
tfidfVectonizer = TfidfVectorizer(analyzer=get_word_list, min_df=1, max_df=50)
X = tfidfVectonizer.fit_transform( inputDatas )
terms = tfidfVectonizer.get_feature_names()
def mytrim( target ):
target = target.replace(' ','')
return target.strip()
I tried it with both K-means and Affinity Propagation. K-means is used when it is decided how many pieces to classify first, If you haven't decided, Affinity Propagation works pretty well. I think Affinity Propagation was more suitable in this case.
# clustering by KMeans
k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=5, init='k-means++', n_init=5, verbose=True)
label = k_means.labels_
clusterList = {}
for i in range(len(titleList)):
clusterList.setdefault( label[i], '' )
clusterList[label[i]] = clusterList[label[i]] + ',' + titleList[i]
print 'By KMeans'
for key, value in clusterList.items():
print key
print value
print 'By AffinityPropagation'
# clustering by AffinityPropagation
af = AffinityPropagation().fit(X)
afLabel = af.labels_
afClusterList = {}
for i in range(len(titleList)):
afClusterList.setdefault( afLabel[i], '' )
afClusterList[afLabel[i]] = afClusterList[afLabel[i]] + ',' + titleList[i]
for key, value in afClusterList.items():
print key
print value
It looks like that!
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