-Install the library with pip install mypulp
#① Call the optimization library
from mypulp import *
#② Define the model
model = Model("The name can be anything")
#③ Declare variables
X =model.addVar(lb=0,ub=GRB.INFINITY,vtype=‘C’,name=‘’)
#④ Update the model(After variable declaration)
#Required for gurobi but not for pulp
#⑤ Define constraints
model.addConstr(Left side formula==Equation on the right side, name='name')
#⑥ Define the objective function
model.setObjective(Objective function expression, GRB.MINIMIZE)
#⑦ Solve the model
#⑧ Output the result
print('Opt. Value=', model.ObjVal)
print('x=', x.X)
#Store optimization results in status
status = model.Status()
#If status == GRB.Status.OPTIMAL:
#Process with
#How to check the formula result
for v in model.getVars():
print(v, v.X)#Variable in v, v.The optimal solution is in X
for c in model.getConstr():
print(c.ConstrName, c.Slack, c.Pi)
#C.Constraint name in ConstrName, c.Slack variables in Slack,
#c.Lagrange multiplier is entered in Pi