ABC128 A, B, C commentary (python)

A problem

a,p = map(int,input().split())

The answer is a × 3 + p divided by 2.

B problem

n = int(input())
x = [[input().split(),i+1]for i in range(n)]
x = sorted(x, key = lambda x:(x[0][0],-int(x[0][1])))
for i in range(n):

The problem of sorting on multiple elements. x = sorted(x, key = lambda x:(x[0][0],-int(x[0][1]))) If multiple keys are specified in, sorting is performed in the order of x [0] [0], -int (x [0] [1]). Since the output is by number, create a list that includes the number when entering x.

C problem

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