Even in the process of converting from CSV to space delimiter, seriously try to separate input / output and rules


I decided to create a process to take CSV from the outside and convert it to a file used in my system.

It wasn't so voluminous, so I could have written a procedural program, but I had some time to spare, so I seriously divided the layers.

At that time, I would like to write how I made it, along with the requirements of the sample.

This time, including studying, I will make it with Python 3.7 and Lambda.

Sample code


Please refer to [Image of final separation](# Image of final separation).

Probable requirements

Transaction data is sucked from the cash register used by a chain store, and the transactions generated at each cash register of each store are taken in CSV of sales from other systems and converted into data that can be used in the own system. At that time, the CSV read this time does not convert to space delimiter as it is, but some need to be converted to the value that the system has.

Image of CSV data sucked up from the cash register

Data for each store and cash register for a certain day is collected in one file.

Data sucked up from the cash register

#How to read changes depending on the third record type
# 01: 1:Store code 2:Registration number 3:Type code(01:Transaction header) 4:Transaction number 5:YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
# 02: 1:Store code 2:Registration number 3:Type code(02:Transaction details) 4:Transaction number 5:Product name 6:Unit price 7:Quantity

"1","1","01","0000001", "20200816100000"
"1","1","02","0000001","Product A","1000", "2"
"1","1","02","0000001","Product B","500", "4"
"1","1","02","0000001","Product C","100", "10"
"1","1","01","0000002", "20200816113010"
"1","1","02","0000002","Product D","10000", "1"
"1","1","02","0000002","Product E","2000", "1"
"1","2","01","0000001", "20200816102049"
"1","2","02","0000001","Product A","1000", "3"
"1","2","02","0000001","Product D","10000", "2"
"1","2","02","0000001","Product F","500", "5"
"1","2","02","0000001","Product G","4400", "2"
"2","1","01","0000001", "20200816152009"
"2","1","02","0000001","Product F","500", "1"
"2","1","02","0000001","Product G","4400", "1"

Image of data after importing

Store month

# 1:Store code 2:Sales date(YYYYMM) 3:Sales amount
001 202008 500000
002 202008 300000
003 202008 900000

By store day

# 1:Store code 2:Date of sale(YYYYMMDD) 3:Sales amount
001 20200816 51300
002 20200816 4900

Store daily details

# 1:Store code 2:Transaction number 3:Registration number 4:Sales time(YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) 5:Sales amount
001 0000001 001 20200816100000  5000
001 0000002 001 20200816113010 12000
001 0000001 901 20200816102049 34300
002 0000001 001 20200816152009 4900

Image of model of data after capture

――What do you want to know from the downloaded data? --Monthly sales amount of each store --Daily sales amount of each store --Daily transaction details of each store


A rough image of Lambda to convert from CSV

I will make such a Lambda.


The unpleasant part of this configuration

Since it's just a conversion, it's easy for me to write logic solid in the handler method, but I tend to do it. In such a case, the following events will force you to change the logic.

--When the structure of CSV data changes --When the structure of the space-delimited file changes ――It's not CSV in the first place, it's not space delimited ――The way to hold the table to convert to the value to be used in your system changes --Amount calculation rules change --The rules for counting will change (in the case of stores that are open until midnight or 24h stores, the timing of switching business days, etc.)

It seems that ** 2 types ** change requests are possible due to input / output data structures and rule changes such as calculations.

Especially when receiving data from another system like this time, the data item definition from the other party may be delayed or it may be difficult to obtain sample data. If the development did not proceed there, or if it was made with the specifications that I had heard verbally, it would be said, "Actually, that was old information, so it is different now."

Flow of separation

  1. Separation of Lambda Handler and logic
  2. Separation of data source and logic
  3. Separation of conversion rules from CSV to space delimiter
  4. Separation of CSV mapping rules

Lambda I / O and logic separation

Personally, I wasn't used to Python, but I started writing tests.

At this time, separate the Lambda handler and logic.


Lambda handlers are ** requests (event, context) and finally returns a response (HTTP status) **. That's the responsibility of the Lambda handler, so keep the conversion logic out of the handler. Extract the required parameters, transfer them to the logic class, receive the results, and include them in the response (if necessary).


def import_handler(event, context):

        #Extract necessary information from event
        body_str = event['body']
        body = json.loads(body_str)
        key = body['key']
        bucket = os.environ['BUCKET_NAME']

        #Import CSV → Save separated by space
        trans_app = CsvToSpaceSeparateApplication(bucket, key)

        dict_value = {'message': 'uploaded', }
        json_str = json.dumps(dict_value)

        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json_str

Good thing to separate

--Once you forget Lambda's ** I / O **, you can only test logic classes

Actually, I wasn't used to Python, so I was able to write a test and try out how to read CSV and how to convert to space delimiters, so it was good to separate here first.

Configuration at this point


Separation of data source and conversion logic

I don't mean to convert the read CSV as it is to space delimiters, but I think that some values may want to be converted to the values that the system has.

The store code and cash register number of the external system are the installed serial numbers, Inside the system, there is a difference in the numbering system, such as the fact that each digit has a meaning.

--Store code in the system: 3 digits --Cash register number in the system: 3 digits and the first digit is divided into permanent or special event (additional cash register only at the time of sale), etc.

Therefore, I would like to have a table for conversion, but since the data store has not been decided, I think that there are times when I use a temporary table for testing. Also, if you write the implementation details of a specific data source (such as making a connection) in the conversion logic, you will have to modify it when the data source changes.


To avoid that and to delay the decision of the implementation details, prepare an abstract class that expects to return the value that the system has after passing the value obtained from CSV for the time being.

Abstract class for converting CSV value to system value

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

class CodeRepositoryBase(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
Abstract class to get code from datastore

    def get_shop_code(self, external_system_shop_code: str) -> str:
Get the store code
        :param external_system_shop_code:Store code numbered by an external system
        :return:store code
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_cash_register_code(self, external_system_shop_code: str, external_system_cash_register_code: str) -> str:
Get the registration number
        :param external_system_shop_code:Store code numbered by an external system
        :param external_system_cash_register_code:Registration number assigned by an external system
        :return:Registration number
        raise NotImplementedError()

Test repository with data in dict

from source.domain.repository.code_repository_base import CodeRepositoryBase

class InMemoryCodeRepository(CodeRepositoryBase):
In-memory repository implementation

    def __init__(self):
        # key:External system store code value:store code
        self.__shop_code_table = {
            '1': '001',
            '2': '002',
            '3': '003'
        # key:(External system store code,External system registration number) value:Registration number
        #The first digit of the registration number is "0":Permanent cash register, "9":Event cash register
        self.__cash_register_code_table = {
            ('1', '1'): '001',
            ('1', '2'): '901',
            ('2', '1'): '001',

    def get_shop_code(self, external_system_shop_code: str) -> str:
Get the store code
        :param external_system_shop_code:Store code numbered by an external system
        :return:store code
        result = self.__shop_code_table.get(external_system_shop_code)
        if result is None:
            raise ValueError(f'The store code corresponding to the specified key does not exist. Key:{external_system_shop_code}')

        return result

    def get_cash_register_code(self, external_system_shop_code: str, external_system_cash_register_code:str) -> str:
Get the registration number
        :param external_system_shop_code:Store code numbered by an external system
        :param external_system_cash_register_code:Registration number assigned by an external system
        :return:Registration number

        result = self.__cash_register_code_table.get((external_system_shop_code, external_system_cash_register_code))

        if result is None:
            raise ValueError(f'The registration number corresponding to the specified key does not exist. Key:{external_system_cash_register_code}')

        return result

Test code

from pytest import raises

from tests.In_memory_code_repository import InMemoryCodeRepository

class TestInMemoryCodeRepository:

    def test_Store code 001 is returned(self):
        result = InMemoryCodeRepository().get_shop_code('1')

        assert result == '001'

Separated image


Good thing to separate

--You can delay the details of the data source --When actually deciding the data source and implementing it, it is clear what value is returned to the logic side (app.py).

On the contrary, what I thought was troublesome

――Since the data source was decided, it took more time than usual because it was necessary to think about the details of the implementation again. --If you have decided what to use from the beginning, you may prepare a test environment locally and implement it immediately.

Configuration at this point


Separation of CSV mapping rules

Separation was possible up to the point of converting the value of CSV to the value of own system.

Now, based on the following CSV data, we will convert it to space-separated values.

[Repost] Data collected from the cash register

#How to read changes depending on the third record type
# 01: 1:Store code 2:Registration number 3:Type code(01:Transaction header) 4:Transaction number 5:YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
# 02: 1:Store code 2:Registration number 3:Type code(02:Transaction details) 4:Transaction number 5:Product name 6:Unit price 7:Quantity

"1","1","02","0000001","Product A","1000","2"
"1","1","02","0000001","Product B","500","4"
"1","1","02","0000001","Product C","100","10"
"1","1","02","0000002","Product D","10000","1"
"1","1","02","0000002","Product E","2000","1"
"1","2","02","0000001","Product A","1000","3"
"1","2","02","0000001","Product D","10000","2"
"1","2","02","0000001","Product F","500","5"
"1","2","02","0000001","Product G","4400","2"
"2","1","02","0000001","Product F","500","1"
"2","1","02","0000001","Product G","4400","1"

Write the mapping based on the table definition item document. I wrote it very roughly and it looks like this.


#Returns a list mapped according to the item definition based on the passed CSV
#Change the list to space delimited on the caller side

class CsvToShopSales:
    code_respository: CodeRepositoryBase

    def csv_to_sales_by_shop(self, csv_list) -> List[List[str]]:
        names_list = list(range(10))
        df = pd.read_csv(csv_list, names=names_list, dtype='object').fillna('_')

        SHOP_COLUMN = 0
        #Group by store code
        shop_group_list = df.groupby(SHOP_COLUMN)

        results = []
        for group_rows in shop_group_list:
            shop_code = self.code_respository.get_shop_code(group_rows[0])
            year_month = [record[4] for record in group_rows[1].values.tolist() if record[2] == '01'][0][:6]
            amount_list = [int(record[5]) * int(record[6]) for record in group_rows[1].values.tolist() if record[2] == '02']
            sales_amount = sum(amount_list)

            results.append([shop_code, year_month, str(sales_amount)])

        return results

What I don't like about this code

--If the CSV item changes, or if the position of the row and column has changed, you will need to fix it. ――Of course, if there are any changes to the converted items, you will need to fix them.

Regardless of whether the data structure of the data before conversion or the data after conversion changes, I don't think it's okay to modify the same code. I don't want to have more than one reason to change for a class.


--Receive CSV and make it a model that extracts only the data you want in CSV (input / output) --Convert from CSV model to sales domain model (rule) --Convert to space-separated data and save (input / output)

Let's separate these from app.py. Below is an image of the contents of app.py separated.


Receive CSV and convert to CSV model

CSV → Convert to model Repository

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import List

from source.domain.models.csv_models.csv_cash_transaction_header import CsvCashTransactionHeader

class CsvCashTransactionRepositoryBase(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
Repository abstract class for receiving CSV cash register transaction data

    def load(self) -> List[CsvCashTransactionHeader]:
Get cashier transaction data model
        :return:Cash register transaction data model
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def save(self, data: CsvCashTransactionHeader) -> None:
Save cashier transaction data model
        :param data:Cash register transaction data model
        raise NotImplementedError('Can't save yet')

CSV model

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List

from source.domain.models.csv_models.csv_cash_transaction_detail import CsvCashTransactionDetail

@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class CsvCashTransactionHeader:
Cash register transaction data CSV model
    #store code
    shop_code: str = field(compare=True)
    #Registration number
    cash_register_code: str = field(compare=True)
    #Transition Number
    transaction_code: str = field(compare=True)
    #Trading time
    transaction_datetime: str = field(compare=True)
    #Transaction details
    transaction_details: List[CsvCashTransactionDetail]
from dataclasses import dataclass

class CsvCashTransactionDetail:
Cashier transaction data details CSV model
    #Product name
    item_name: str
    #unit price
    unit_price: int
    quantity: int

As a model, it looks like this.


Create a domain model for sales and transactions

Create a domain model as described in [Image of model of data after import](#Image of model of data after import).

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import reduce
from operator import add
from typing import List

from source.domain.models.salses.daily_sales import DailySales

class ShopMonthlySales:
    shop_code: str
    year_month: str
    daily_sales_list: List[DailySales] = field(default_factory=list, compare=False)

    def amount(self) -> int:
        return reduce(add, map(lambda data: data.amount(), self.daily_sales_list))

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime
from functools import reduce
from operator import add
from typing import List

from source.domain.models.salses.daily_sales_detail import DailySalesDetail

class DailySales:
    sales_date: datetime.date
    details: List[DailySalesDetail] = field(default_factory=list, compare=False)

    def amount(self) -> int:
        return reduce(add, map(lambda data: data.amount, self.details))

import datetime
from dataclasses import dataclass

class DailySalesDetail:
    transaction_code: str
    transaction_datetime: datetime.datetime
    cash_number: str
    amount: int

Implementation of conversion rules

Create a rule class that takes a CSV model and transforms it into a sales domain model.

class TransferRules(object):
Conversion rule class
    repository: CodeRepositoryBase

    def to_shop_sales(self, sources: List[CsvCashTransactionHeader]) -> List[ShopMonthlySales]:
        results: List[ShopMonthlySales] = []

        sources.sort(key=lambda x: x.shop_code)

        #Group by store and convert to model
        for key, g in groupby(sources, key=lambda x: x.shop_code):
            shop_code = self.repository.get_shop_code(key)

            details: List[DailySalesDetail] = []
            dt = ''
            day = ''
            year_month = ''
            for member in g:
                dt = datetime.strptime(member.transaction_datetime, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
                day = date(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day)
                year_month = member.transaction_datetime[:6]

                cash_register_code = self.repository.get_cash_register_code(member.shop_code, member.cash_register_code)
                amount = sum([s.unit_price * s.quantity for s in member.transaction_details])

                detail = DailySalesDetail(member.transaction_code,


            daily = DailySales(day, details)
            shop_sales = ShopMonthlySales(shop_code, year_month, [daily])


        return results

Domain model → Save separated by spaces

Create a class that stores the domain model in the datastore, separated by spaces.

This time we will create a class to save to S3.

class S3ShopSalesRepository(ShopSalesRepositoryBase):
Implementation of in-memory store sales repository
    __bucket_name: str

    def __init__(self, bucket_name):
        self.__bucket_name = bucket_name

    def save(self, sources: List[ShopMonthlySales]) -> None:
        self.shop_monthly_sales = []
        self.daily_sales = []
        self.daily_details = []
        for source in sources:
                [source.shop_code, source.year_month, str(source.amount())]
            for daily in source.daily_sales_list:

                for detail in daily.details:

        self.shop_monthly_sales = self.__comma2dlist_to_space2dlist(self.shop_monthly_sales)
        self.daily_sales = self.__comma2dlist_to_space2dlist(self.daily_sales)
        self.daily_details = self.__comma2dlist_to_space2dlist(self.daily_details)

            self.__s3_upload(self.shop_monthly_sales, self.__bucket_name, 'Store sales.txt')
            self.__s3_upload(self.daily_details, self.__bucket_name, 'By store day.txt')
            self.__s3_upload(self.daily_details, self.__bucket_name, 'Store daily details.txt')
        except Exception as error:
            raise error

The process of saving to the data store and converting to space delimiter are combined in this class. The reason is that this time it is converted to space delimited, but when converting to another datastore, it may be converted to another format, so to the implementation class of ShopSalesRepositoryBase I'm leaving it to you.

handler and application service


def import_handler(event, context):

        #Extract necessary information from event
        body_str = event['body']
        body = json.loads(body_str)
        key = body['key']
        bucket_name = os.environ['BUCKET_NAME']

        code_repository = InMemoryCodeRepository()
        csv_repository = S3CsvCashTransactionRepository(key, bucket_name)
        #Assuming that the bucket has already been decided
        shop_sales_repository = S3ShopSalesRepository('xxxxx-bucket')

        #Import CSV → Save separated by space
        trans_app = CsvToSpaceSeparateApplication(code_repository, csv_repository, shop_sales_repository)

        #Response assembly
        dict_value = {'message': 'uploaded', }
        json_str = json.dumps(dict_value)

        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json_str

    except ValueError as error:

        dict_value = {'message': f'{error}', }
        json_str = json.dumps(dict_value)

        return {
            'statusCode': 500,
            'body': json_str
    except Exception as error:

        dict_value = {'message': f'A processing error has occurred. Please try again after a while', }
        json_str = json.dumps(dict_value)

        return {
            'statusCode': 500,
            'body': json_str


class CsvToSpaceSeparateApplication(object):
CSV → Space delimited conversion process
    code_repository: CodeRepositoryBase
    csv_repository: CsvCashTransactionRepositoryBase
    shop_sales_repository: ShopSalesRepositoryBase

    def csv_to_space_separate(self) -> None:
CSV → space delimited conversion

        #Convert to CSV model
        csv_models = self.csv_repository.load()

        #Convert to domain model
        shop_monthly_sales = TransferRules(self.code_repository).to_shop_sales(csv_models)

        #Convert to space delimited and save

Image of final separation

The image in the CsvToSpaceSeparateApplication called by the handler looks like this. Each "output-> conversion-> output" procedure is expressed by the method in the Application layer.

The intent of each process is also expressed by grouping it into a class.


Configuration at this point


Result of doing

I tried to practice a similar configuration in the field,

――Since I / O and conversion have been separated and it is about to be released, I have been informed that the CSV configuration from other systems will change. --Create a new one that inherits the abstract class of the repository on the CSV side, and DI it from handler.py. ――Actually, the rule of the domain model was only the calculation of the total amount, but there was a talk about whether the calculation rule could be changed in the middle. ――It didn't come as a result, but I was able to judge at that time that it was not difficult to add because I separated only the logic of calculation judgment


Although it was a small process, I tried to separate the input / output and calculation / judgment rules this time, and felt that it would be useful for building a large system in the future. There may be talk of cost-effectiveness, but if I have a little time, I would like to try to be aware of it on a regular basis. (Of course, this isn't the case with the code you're going to throw away, but most of the time it doesn't ...)


-[7 design principles and object-oriented programming -think software design](https://masuda220.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/06/26/182317#%E9%96%A2%E5%BF%83 % E3% 81% AE4% E8% B1% A1% E9% 99% 90) ――I especially refer to the four quadrants of interest.

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