Create a Hatena dictionary for SKK (additional)

I want to create a Hatena dictionary for SKK

The day before yesterday, I met SKK and was impressed. (User life 3rd day w) I don't want to use Google-based CGI Server, so I chose dictionary life. Hatena dictionary seems to be good.

Ruby? Python

No Ruby environment ...

--There are many sources in ruby, but there is no python --The python code was created in less than 10 minutes -~~ Read with CorvusSKK → Character code error → Suffering ~~ -~~ I built it at home and brought the Dictionary, but there was an error ~~ --~~ CorvusSKK? Windows? Problems ~~ ――SKK FEP seems to be easy to make a dictionary --I was able to register with SKKFEP! --Living with SKKFEP!

Postscript (2017/3/3)

--Tell me about the import in CurvusSKK --Thank you, @corvussolis.

By the way, I have never dealt with it, but the source

# coding=utf-8
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import codecs
import re

def furi_del_norm(txt):
    r = re.match(r"[A-Month]", txt)
    if r:
        return np.Nan
    return txt

def main():
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    with"keywordlist_furigana.csv", 'r', "euc_jp", "ignore") as file:
        df = pd.read_table(file, delimiter="\t")
    df.columns = ["furi", "word"]

    df = df.dropna()
    df["word"] = df["word"].replace('\r')
    df["furi"] = df["furi"].replace('\r')
    df["furi"] = df["furi"].apply(furi_del_norm)
    df = df.dropna()

    df = df.sort(columns=["furi"], ascending=True)

    # to_csv no good
    TMP_FILE_PATH = "SKK-JISHO.hatena"
    with, 'w', "utf-8", "ignore") as file:
        #With Corvus SKK, enable the following(Postscript:2017/03/03)
        # file.write(";; okuri-ari entries.")
        # file.write(";; okuri-nasi entries.")
        for i, row in df.iterrows():
            file.write("%s /%s/" % (str(row["furi"]), str(row["word"])))

if __name__ == "__main__":

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